Student initiation ceremony

     The new academic year began at the university. Yesterday, still a schoolboy, a student today. Every autumn, excited freshmen flood in higher education. They so different, are now united by one word - student. However, any freshman knows that he will become a student by accepting “student initiation ceremony”.

     On 26 September, on the main alley of the university this "student initiation ceremony" was the first-year students of KazUIR&WL. Initiation into students is a solemn event, therefore, they prepared for it in advance and thoroughly. The organizers took care of the design of the event and created the atmosphere of the holiday and set the student spirit. Each educational institution this event has its own characteristics. At our university, this is traditionally a festive procession of the best first-year students, entering and aligning with the flag of the university, undergraduate students performed a «ritual of initiation of freshmen» -  handed symbolic student tickets, a book of knowledge and a torch of knowledge. The solemn part of the event was held with a bang. A good atmosphere was created by the audience supporting the speakers. After all, not every spectator knows what it means to perform on stage for the first time!

And the glorious tradition continued with a concert program, where were songs,dances and jokes.

Of course, all the jokes on the day of initiation are completely spiteless and friendly. The main task of older students is to make the day of initiation into students special and memorable. And its became so, this day - bright, cheerful and spectacular.

We hope that our freshmen liked the event.

     A university is an incredible place where promising and interesting acquaintances, friends, and new talents are revealed. The phrase "the student years are “golden years” that every person will remember all his life!

And how were you student initiation ceremony?
