TED talks Friday

TED talks Friday was held among the 2nd year students at the pedagogical faculty of foreign languages. The event was aimed to encourage students to speak English fluently spreading their ideas in the form of short, powerful talks. The basic themes of their speeches were around 4 basic sections: how to be environmentally conscious, key to long life: healthy lifestyle, how to increase the motivation in learning, difficulties in education.

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There were 18 participants altogether. The event was opened with the touchy speech of Tomiris Bigazy from 205th group on theme “how to overcome overweighting and start to love yourself” with the frank details from her personal experience. Students revealed their secrets of their healthy lifestyle, motivation, self-confidence and self-awareness. Nauat Zhuldyz from 204th group highlighted the problem of pollution in Almaty and asked students to start from themselves to care about our city and nature. Between the sections talented students of the faculty sang beautiful songs and danced. In the end, teachers concluded the event and awarded the participants with the certificates of participation. The positive attitude set by the students of the faculty was conveyed to the students who were present in the blue hall.

Teacher of Pedagogical Faculty of Foreign languages, Master of Pedagogy, Saidazova G.E.


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