SCHOOL cognitive linguistics

From 23th to 30th March 2016, Doctor of philological sciences, professor S.A.Zhabotinskaya (Ukraine, Cherkasy National University) conducted a series of lectures and "School of Cognitive Linguistics: Methodological foundations" (SHKL) master-class at KazUIR&WL by Ablai Khan.

S.A.Zhabotinskaya introduced modern American school of cognitive linguistics, explained her own concept of "Semantics lingual network" and showed the application of this concept in the teaching of foreign languages and the analysis of media discourse.

Course participants (KazUIR&WL by Ablai Khan, KIMEP, KAZNU, KazNPU, S.Demirel University) pointed out the theoretical importance of the course and the real practical effect of linguistic concept of the well known in the US and Europe researcher.
