Defender of the Fatherland Day in Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World Languages

On May 5, 2017, a solemn event dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the formation of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held at the alley of Kazakh Ablay khan University of international relations and world languages. In honor of the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the formation of the armed forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the employees and students of the military department of the University were awarded with medals «Қарулы күштерінің ардагері» and «Мінсіз қызметі үшін»,  1 st degree, as well as certificates of honor.

During the holiday, the students of the military department demonstrated their skills at speed to disassemble and collect weapons, to wear special suits, skills of hand-to-hand combat and shooting from the prone position. Also for the guests of the holiday were teams of fighters of the Institute of the military department "Aibyn". The end of the solemn event was the military students' parade. With the holiday of the Defender of the Fatherland, dear people of Kazakhstan!
