Welcome to English Club!

There has been a workshop “EngEdWorkshop” at our university on October 25th that was held by FLEX Program Alumni students. Students had an amazing opportunity to challenge their English in practice, to open their boundaries and chances, and also to find new friends and to meet new people.

The workshop was set up in the format of communication and discussions on a variety of topics within toastmasters, games, watching videos, presentations and all of them were in English only!!!

DI you know that the half of the population of the world everyday speaks more than two languages? And if you started learning English and want to dive into discovering all aspects of this universal language, then it is the right time to start practicing and enhancing your English language with English Speaking Club from “EngEd Workshop” by Aliya Kuantayeva. Debates English League with American Councils is waiting for you all on October 29th (108/building 1). It is going to be very interesting and informative because we are living in the decade whenever everything is utterly developing and moving on, and perhaps there are borders that are crossed out by our education and passion. Come, take part, and practice. All participants and the winners will be given cool presents and certificates.

master class

master class

master class
