Negotiation strategy

In the framework of the extended meeting of the «ScienceLab» Student Scientific United  of the Faculty of International Relations, a meeting was organized with the Head of the Department and the head of the political group of the Representative Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Almaty Arenova Almash Arystanova.

A guest lecture was delivered to students of 3 and 4 courses of the specialty “International Relations” on the subject of “Negotiating Strategy”, which examined the role of negotiations in the activities of political figures, both in the sphere of domestic politics and in international relations. As a rule, the purpose of negotiations is to resolve contradictions and conflicts that exist between the parties, or at least mitigate and minimize the damage from them. The negotiation process is seen as a process of exchanging information, putting forward arguments and counter-arguments in order to convince a partner of the fairness of their own position. With extensive practical and professional experience, Almash Arystanovna provided interesting and vivid information regarding the direct activities of the Representative Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Almaty.

Students actively participated in the discussion of some questions regarding the topic of the invited guest.


Deputy Dekan for VR FMO Akpayeva E.R.
