On the 18 and 19 of February 2019 year in the KazUIRandWL named after Abylai khan was a debate competition "Model UN IRF" among university students. The purpose of this event was to actively attract the attention of young people to the global problems of mankind and the expansion and deepening of knowledge on a wide range of issues related to activities in the field of international law and security, economic and social development, population, etc. The organization of the Model UN was carried out under the clear leadership of the Dean of IRF candidate of political Sciences Absattarov G.R. Organizers: activists of IRF Omarova Alima, Ashim Nurbolat, tutors: Aksamal Maratovna, Almaz Moldir, Deputy Dean of IRF Akpaeva E.R., Tokmurzaeva A.Zh.

As a jury attended:

  1. Abdurakhim Muhidov, Director of the UN Department of Public information;
  2. Representative of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan, Almaty Mr. Ruslan Bultrikov;
  3. The chief and the head of the political group the Mission of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan, Almaty Ms. Arystanova Almasha Arystanova;
  4. Joseph Williams, teacher of IRF
  5. Head of the Department of IR and Regional Studies Shaimardanova Zarema Dzhuandykovna.

Holders of the 1st place in the competition:

  1. Zhandesh Aknur;
  2. Zhanysova Kamila;
  3. Kalymbet Aruzhan;

 Holders of the 2nd place in the competition:

  1. Akimbek Dilshad;
  2. Adilkyzy Amanat;
  3. Abdukhakimova Mushtariy;

Holders of the 3rd place in the competition:

  1. Mamutova Markhaba;
  2. Akhanayev Didar;
  3. Seitnur Shynar.

Also, participants were awarded in different nominations:

Nomination «Best delegate»:

  1. Abdukhakimova Mushtariy;
  2. Zhanysova Kamila;

Nomination «Best country presentation»:

  1. Djuanyshbekov Alen;
  2. Mamutova Markhaba, Akhanayev Didar, Seitnur Shynar.

Nomination «Personality creativity»:

  1. Karasova Sabina;
  2. Nurman Aidana.

At the end of this contest a resolution was adopted:

     1.Not interfering in internal policy of Syria;

     2.Returning all Syrian refugees home;

     3.Taking the rebels into army under the UK guarantee;

     4.Stopping usage of chemical weapons on Syria’s territory.

Sponsors: Syria, UK, Russia

Signers: Israel, Iran, Iraq



