Open educational hour on the topic «Тәртіпке бағынған құл болмайды»

In honor of the "30th anniversary of the Independence Day" 2nd year undergraduate student of the Educational Program International Law Yeshen S.M. held an open educational hour with the 2nd year students of the specialty "Jurisprudence", the faculty of "International Law and Economics" of the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages ​​named after Abylai Khan, on the topic: "Тәртіпке бағынған құл болмайды".

“Today, there is an increase in young people who do not respect their parents, abandon them, as well as elderly grandparents, their children, use alcohol, drugs - all these are signs of a low moral character. Upbringing is, in my understanding, the only way to live honestly and meaningfully. I think that only when you are brought up will you be able to find your place in life, education should start from the cradle. Bauyrzhan Momyshuly, one of the heroic personalities of the Kazakh people, revealed the meaning of the educational hour: "there will be no slave subordinate to order, there will be no country without order", - commented Yeshen S.

Students shared their views, brought up sayings related to education, took part in an interesting discussion.

At the end of the educational hour, the head of the Department of International Law, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Bayzhomartova K.A. thanked the 2nd year undergraduate students and noted: “The future of the country is in the hands of today's young generation, the future is determined by the educated generation, and the fate of the young generation is in the hands of the teacher”, and stressed that “today our goal is to organize an effective solution to the urgent problems of educating the younger generation at a new stage , in the spirit of "Рухани жаңғыру".
