The Chair of Intercultural Communication is realizing the project ИРН AP09058341: Transformation of the values of the Kazakhstani system of higher education in the context of a multicultural and globalizing world

Relevance of the projects: Revealing changes and transformation of educational values, especially in the context of the modern unstable globalizing world, is of particular relevance. It is associated both with the strengthening of the dynamics of the ongoing social processes, and with a change in their essence and content. During periods of significant qualitative changes in the social system, education can act as a socio-cultural catalyst for change, either accelerating them, while ensuring the necessary cohesion of society, integrating its transformation processes, or contributing to the growth of social tension and differentiation, significantly reducing the mobilization capabilities of social systems for self-organization and optimal involving a person in conscious transformation processes. Thus, it becomes either a mechanism of inhibition or a potential for social development.

The goal of the project: to conduct a comprehensive analysis of modern educational values and their transformation under the influence of globalization and world processes, assess the quality of higher education in Kazakhstan through sociological research, comparative analysis and identify effective world educational models based on comparative and foresight studies, as well as production of a feature-length documentary on the future of higher education in Kazakhstan.

Members of research group:

Head of the project: Ashilova M.S. (Scopus ID)

Begalinov A.S.

Кim Е.,

Nugumanova А.Т.,

Boshayev Т.М.,

Usserbayeva М.М.,

Kultayeva S.S.

Achieved results:

List of publications:

6 articles in foreign publications, including 1 article in the Web of Science database, Russian Science Citation Index were published:

  • Бегалинов А.С., Ашилова М.С., Бегалинова К.К. Об образе высшего образования в постковидную эпоху: формирование и развитие мышления нового порядка. - Science for Education Today, 2021. – Т.11. - №1. – С.110-123. DOI: – журнал входит в базу Web of Science, Russian Science Citation Index,
  • Ashilova M.S., Begalinov A.S., Begalinova K.K. Well-being of young people and prospects of education in the post-COVID era // proceedings of the International Conference “Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration”. Part 1 - October 27, 2021. Beijing, PRC. – P. 23-27.
  • Madina Ashilova, Alibek Begalinov, Kalimash Begalinova. “TRENDS IN POST COVID HIGHER EDUCATION”. XIII International Multidisciplinary Conference “Prospects and Key Tendencies of Science in Contemporary World”. – November 29, 2021, Madrid, Spain. – P.87-92.
  • Бегалинов А.С. Некоторые аспекты глобализации и медиавоспитания в современном обществе // Большая Евразия: развитие, безопасность, сотрудничество. Ежегодник. - Вып. 4. - Ч. 1 / РАН. ИНИОН. Отд. науч. сотрудничества; Отв. ред. В.И. Герасимов. – Москва, 2021. – 739 с. - С. 310-313.
  • Ашилова М.С., Бегалинов А.С. Духовность, образование как факторы модернизации общества // Большая Евразия: развитие, безопасность, сотрудничество. Ежегодник. - Вып. 4. - Ч. 1 / РАН. ИНИОН. Отд. науч. сотрудничества; Отв. ред. В.И. Герасимов. – Москва, 2021. – 739 с. - С. 313-317.
  • Ашилова М.С., Бегалинов А.С., Бегалинова К.К. Основные тренды «постковидного» образования. - «Философия образования», 2021. - Т. 21. - № 1. - С. 39 – 54.

4 articles were also published in Kazakhstani editions (2 of them in editions recommended by the CCSES MES RK):

  • Ashilova M.S., Begalinov A.S., Begalinova K.K. The quality of higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic and the prospects for post-secondary education // Вестник КазНУ. Серия педагогическая. - №3 (68). – 2021. – с. 127-136.
  • Ашилова М.С., Бегалинов А.С., Бегалинова К.К. Влияние пандемии COVID-19 на самочувствие студенческой молодежи в Казахстане // Вестник НАН РК. Педагогика. - №5. – 2021. – С. 214-221.
  • Усербаева М.М. Critical thinking abilities development in online environment for teaching FL // Сборник VIII Международной научно-практической конференции Актуальные проблемы науки и образования в условиях глобальных изменений посвященный 30-летию независимости Республики Казахстан и 80-летию КазУМОиМЯ имени Абылай хана. – Алматы, 2021.
  • Ашилова М.С., Бегалинов А.С., Бегалинова К.К. Казахстанское высшее образование. Обзор. – Алматы: Zialy baspasy, 2021. – 240 с.

 Within the framework of the project, a documentary film "Higher education in Kazakhstan: modern vectors of development" was prepared.As part of the promotion of the project, an article was published in Forbes magazine "Страх, агрессия, апатия: молодые казахстанцы плохо переносят пандемию": and the project pages were opened - kazeduvalues in social networks Facebook, Instagarm, Telegram.
