An online meeting was held on the topic "Mandatory three-year training"

6 april. An online meeting was held at the university with graduates of pedagogical and other specialties in 2022 who receive a state educational grant under the rural quota.

The Department of Career, Employment and work with graduates together with the representative of JSC "Financial Center" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Serikkali Akzira Serikkalikyzy held an online meeting with graduates of 2022 of pedagogical and other specialties, holders of state educational grants, and students studying under the rural quota.

The relevance of the meeting is due to the requirements of paragraph 17 of Article 47 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education", the Rules for sending young specialists to work, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 30.03.2012 No. 390, according to which young specialists and PhD students studying under a state educational grant are required to work out.

The representative explained the issues of mandatory three-year training, for example, graduates of pedagogical specialties who studied under a rural quota work in educational organizations located in rural areas, regardless of the form of ownership.

Graduates of pedagogical specialties who studied under the state educational order work in educational organizations — these can be both state educational organizations and private educational centers, children's development studios, private schools, etc.

Graduates who have studied in other specialties of the university under the state educational order, work out the prescribed period in organizations of any form of ownership, regardless of the specialty received.

The participants of the online meeting received detailed information on all their questions.

Mandatory training of young specialists and doctors of philosophy PhD
