Lessons of Life-saving and Health in Emergency situations

The entire world was devastated by the deadly 7.8-magnitude earthquake in February 2023 on the border between Turkey and Syria. The earthquake caused one of the biggest disasters to impact the region in recent times. Tens of thousands of people were killed and many more were injured. 

Thousands of buildings collapsed, leaving countless people exposed to unforgiving winter conditions. Schools and hospitals were destroyed. Learning lessons rapidly is important. Countries where there is a possibility of an earthquake should draw lessons from this earthquake. Rational states draw conclusions from the mistakes and shortcomings of others and take action to prevent them from happening again on their soil. Within the framework of mutual cooperation between Ablai khan KazUIRandWL and Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, PhD Belkhodzhaev A.A., a senior lecturer of the faculty of Medicine and Public Health delivered a lecture on the topic ‘Emergency medical care in emergency situations’.
