For the Departament of Kazakh Pfilology of the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan, the new academic year began successfully! The university library was replenished with new teхstbooks.
As a result of many years of work and rich practical eхperiense, theDepartament of Kazakh Pfilology with the assistance jf the Republican Educational and Methodological Council of KazUIR WL publishedteхstbooks the «Kazakh Languadge»: level B-1 (Kulmanova M.N., Ph.D., associate professor Konyrova A.T.), level B-2-1 (KhamimuldinavaL.Zh., Ph.D., associate professor Konyrova A.T.), level B-2-1 (TungatovaG.Zh, Ph.D., associate professor Konyrova A.T.) and teхstbooks on the «Professional kazakhlanguadge» in the following specialties: tourism (Ph.D., associate professor Akkozhina B.K., Ph.D., associate professor Konyrova A.T.), journalism (Ph.D., associate professor NurmyshevaSh.A.), training of teacher of two foreign Ianguages(Ph.D., associate professor Ermaganbetova L.N., Ph.D., associate professor Konyrova A.T.), foreign fhilology(Ph.D., associate professorDarkenbaevaZh.K., Ph.D., associate professor Konyrova A.T.).
Teхstbooks contain a iarge number of original professional teхts. Modern audio-video listening materials provide students with additional information, and creative teaching methods and techniques contribute to the development and formation of communication skills. The published teхstbooks have been tested in classrooms with the Russian language of instraction, and we hope that users will like the teхstbooks in the future.