Professor of Aarhus University (Denmark), Enberg Yang conducts a professional development course for translators at KazUIR&WL named after Abylai Khan

During the period between 14 November 2023 and 8 December 2023 Professor of Aarhus University (Denmark), PhD Engberg Jan conducted a one-month advanced training workshop on ‘Improving Teaching and Research Methods in Translation’ for the teaching staff of Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World Languages.

During his stay at the university, Professor Jan also worked with students to offer an educational approach developed by his colleagues and himself at Aarhus University, which is used all over the world. He conducted a lecture devoted to the study of the peculiarities of communication within his profession, the way of applying internationally accepted special training tools. This approach is used for practical purposes in practice-oriented work with students. In addition, the professor shared a new translation technology on topics such as "understanding the specificities of expert texts at a semantic as well as at a textual level", "guiding practical decisions in connection with translation", etc.

Within the framework of the training seminars, consultations were held on the preparation together with young scientists and doctoral students. Requirements for publications in peer-reviewed international journals were also discussed.

In addition to this, he actively attended cultural and educational events with teachers and students both at the university and in the city of Almaty.
