«Ult janary» charity fair

The Ministry of Culture and Information reported that from this year, Nauryz is celebrated in a new format for 10 days in Kazakhstan. Charity is important not only in providing material assistance, but also in spiritual support, encouraging a person with kind words. This is a good tradition that serves as an example for the younger generation and strengthens their desire for compassion, help to those in need and kindness.

Within the framework of the decade, on March 15, on the Day of Mercy, the «Ult Janary» charity fair was held at Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages. The fair was attended by representatives and activists of the student self-government of our university.

In addition, charity is clearly evident in the first and second Sustainable Development Goals, where our students have provided significant support to charitable initiatives. At Kazakh Ablai Khan UIR&WL, young generation not only enrich themselves with knowledge, but also absorb many important human qualities necessary in modern society, becoming qualified specialists who are ready to share their skills and help others. Each of them finds place in society, making own unique contribution to the benefit of society.
