On September 2nd, 2024, the Department of International Business of KazIR&WL named after Ablai Khan started teaching undergraduate students the “Business Management” minor (“Project Management” and “Business Planning” disciplines) that will last till December 15th 2024. The subject is taught by a business trainer, Director of the training center of the Union of Project Managers (UPM RK) Yesenzhan Aida, IPMA Level C.
As part of the course, students will become familiar with tools and methods of project management. They will learn the basic requirements and recommendations of international and national project management standards. These include the standards of the Project Management Institute (USA) - PMI PMBOK®️ Guide, ICB4®️ IPMA, ST RK ISO 21500 2022, ST RK ISO 21502 2022 as well as the PMI Code of Professional Ethics and Conduct. The training projects will develop the skills of initiation, planning, and project management.
Upon completion of the course, students will have the opportunity to undergo certification at the UPM RK Certification Center at the NCE RK "Atameken" to receive the professional qualification of "Project Manager Assistant".