From September 23 to 27, the delegation of Kazakh Ablai Khan UIR&WL, headed by Vice-Rector for strategic development Kunanbayeva D.A., visited the cities of South Korea - Seoul and Jeonju. The purpose of the trip was to participate in the Forum of Rectors of Universities of Kazakhstan-Jeonbuk, in Jeonju city, organized by Jeonbuk International Cooperation Agency, where our university signed a Memorandum of mutual cooperation with seven universities of Jeonbuk Province. The delegation of KazUIR&WL also visited partner universities such as Jeonbuk National University, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Chung - Ang University, Wusook University, Jeonju National University, where they discussed issues of mutual cooperation, collaboration in the direction of external and internal academic mobility of teaching staff and students, as well as the implementation of joint research projects.
It should be noted that in the current academic year, 24 students of the Faculty of Oriental Studies are studying at Jeonbuk National University for academic mobility, with whom representatives of our delegation also held a meeting and discussed issues of adaptation and socialization in the new educational space.
We are confident that the official visit of the Kazakh Ablai Khan UIR&WL to South Korea's partner universities will become a new impetus in the development of internationalization of education, through the implementation of international cooperation and mutual export of knowledge.