Republican Subject Olympic competition divided into group specialties

Based on Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan, on February 23rd and 24th of 2018 in Almaty, there will be held Republican Subject Olympic competition divided into group specialties:

                        5B011900 – Foreign language: two foreign languages.

                        5B021000 – Philology: foreign philology of European/Eastern direction.

                        5B020700 – Translation studies.

Participation in  Republican Olympic competition is open to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students of language specialties who are the winners of the first intramural stage, which is verified by the presence of properly documented protocol of directive high education degree.

Task forms by specialties:

Specialty 5B011900 – Foreign language: two foreign languages:

  1. Testing (based on materials of international standard) – level C1.
  2. Solving pragmatic-professional tasks;
  3. Home task competition: presentation of project work based on the topic “Competent and professional design of the model of the future instructor of foreign languages”.

Specialty 5B021000 – Philology: foreign philology of the European/Eastern direction.

Languages: English, German, French, Chinese, Arabic, Korean, Turkish, Japanese, Persian:

  1. Test:
    • Vocabulary and Grammar test;
    • Test task on lexicology;
    • Test task on literature of the studied language country.
  2. Essay writing.
  3. Home task competition: presentation of the project work based on the topic of “Cognitive-conceptual meaning of the intercultural communication in рhilological researches”.

III. Specialty 5B020700 – Translation studies:

  1. Written translation of the text based on the information from a foreign language into Kazakh and Russian languages;
  2. Oral consecutive translation of the sounding text.

Program of conducting Republican Olympic competition

22.02.2018 – arrival time of the participants

23.02.2018 - 24.02.2018 – holding process of Olympic competition

24.02.2018 – summing up the results of the Olympic competition

24.02. – 25.02.2018 – the departure of the participants


Assembly Hall, Building No.1, 200, Muratbayev Street, Almaty

Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages


Terms of participation

            All expenses connected with the participation in Olympic competition (arrival, departure, nutrition, accommodation) are implemented at the expense of directive side.

Application for the participation and commission protocol based on summing up the results of the first intramural stage should necessarily be applied until February 12, 2018 including.

Application is only accepted on behalf of the University. Application form should be done in a table form.

Application is sent to the email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The subject of the e-mail with the application should reflect the name of the institution, section and language. For example, Abay KazNPU, Foreign Philology, English.

The University does not provide accommodation.

Organization committee:

Tel. 8 7272 92 03 84 (internal number 1074)

Fax 8 7272 92 44 73

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Application for the participation in Republican Olympic competition divided into group specialties “Foreign languages” 2018

(University name) 

Full name of the        

Participant (first and     

last), address, phone

number, e-mail


Full name of the  scientific supervisor (duty, degree, teaching at the University, e-mail

Specialty, year, Foreign language of the participant

Necessary technical methods for presentation

Full name of the accompanying, degree, teaching at the University, mob. phone,



















