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University News

  • Congratulations!

    We congratulate our colleague Dilfuza Selmahunovna Roziyeva, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Speech Practice of Foreign Philology, on her election as a member of the Board of CESS (Society for Central European Studies). We wish you scientific heights and fruitful work.

    Sep 16, 2024

  • Delegation of Ablai Khan KazUIR&WL at the International Educational Exhibition in Jiangxi province, Nanchang (PRC)

    Within the framework of the implementation of the Delegation of Ablai Khan KazUIR&WL, represented by Vice-Rector for Strategy Development D.A. Kunanbaeva and Vice-Rector for student affairs T.V. Seryozhkina visited the international educational exhibition organized by the Department of Education of Jiangxi Province in China. The exhibition was attended by 5 higher educational institutions of Almaty: Al-Farabi KazNU , K. Satpayev KazNTU , Narxoz, ALT University. The exhibition included an official opening ceremony, demonstration of educational and infrastructural opportunities of universities and discussion on the creation of joint projects, signed memorandums of cooperation.

    Sep 16, 2024

  • Future journalists gained a unique experience at lectures by an Italian professor

    The new collaboration between our university and the Institute of Modern Languages ​​(Milan, Italy) provided new opportunities for professional and cultural exchange for students. Over the course of a week, first- and second-year students of the Journalism program had a unique chance to attend lectures on media sociology by Italian professor Andrea Miconi.

    Sep 16, 2024

  • Winner of the 23rd international competition "Chinese Bridge"

    02.09.2024 The 23rd international competition "Chinese Bridge" has ended in China, which was attended by 147 participants from 130 countries. A graduate of the Faculty of Oriental Studies Ablai Khan KazUIR&WL of the educational program "Foreign Philology (Chinese)" of the Kulmagambetova Aruzhan won 1st place among the participants from Asian countries.

    Sep 02, 2024

  • Participation of faculty in a summer camp for young communications experts

    From August 10 to 31, the faculty of the Department of International Communications of the Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages took part in trainings organized as part of the summer camp for young experts. The event was held by the Regional Communications Service of Almaty.

    Sep 02, 2024

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    On September 25, 2024, the Secretary General of King Salman Global Academy for Arabic Language of Saudi Arabia, Alwashmi, Abdullah, will visit  Ablai Khan University. The distinguished guest is accompanied by Khudair, Alauddin - Director of the International Cooperation Department; Althunayan, Sultan - Director of the Strategic and Structural Planning Department; Bin Hadbaa, Abdulmajeed - Director of the Documentation and Archives Department. As part of the official visit, a meeting will be held with the top management of our university, the teaching staff and students.

    Sep 19, 2024

  • Attention, graduates!

    Receptionist/Administrative coordinator
    Уровень дохода не указан
    Требуемый опыт работы: 1–3 года

    Jul 25, 2024

  • Book exhibition dedicated to the Day of Science Workers

    Dear readers, we have organised a book exhibition dedicated to the Day of Science Workers.

    Apr 19, 2024

  • International scientific and practical round table «Eastern languages in KazUIR&WL: past, present, future», dedicated to the 30th anniversary of teaching eastern languages in KazUIR&WL

    Faculty of Oriental Studies, Department of Eastern Philology together with the Center for Korean Studies in KazUIR&WL will organize on April 18, 2024 the International scientific and practical round table «Eastern languages in KazUIR&WL: past, present, future», dedicated to the 30th anniversary of teaching eastern languages in KazUIR&WL.

    Apr 15, 2024

  • Scientific seminar on the topic “Experience and prospects for introducing the collaborative method into the educational process”

    Dear teachers and students! We invite you to take part in a scientific seminar on the topic “Experience and prospects for implementing the collaborative method in the educational process” by the professor of the Department of Chinese Studies, Faculty of Oriental Studies, Al-Farabi KazNU Daulet F.N. and undergraduates of the Department of Chinese Studies, Faculty of Oriental Studies of Al-Farabi KazNU.

    Apr 02, 2024


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