Online resources


- Full text database ScienceDirect is unsurpassed online resource of scientific, technical and medical information, and contains 25% of the world market of scientific publications.


- Textbooks for teaching foreign languages: Oxford, Cambridge, Hueber, Langenscheidt, Macmilan, CLE.


- This resource includes both electronic versions of books publishing "Lan" and other leading publishers of textbooks, as well as electronic versions of periodicals on natural sciences, engineering and the humanities.


- It is the world's leading source of intelligent information for businesses and professionals.


sl - Read the most complete in the world of online collection of STM books, magazines & amp; reference works.


- Media Review. Archive important publications assembled by hand. Database categories with 26 sectors / sources 600/235 countries and territories / main materials / articles and interviews of the first 3000 persons.

- Republican Interuniversity Electronic Library (RMEB) - a single database, uniting the electronic resources of universities in Kazakhstan to provide faculty, students undergraduate, graduate and doctoral modern information educational resources. 




  — Kazakhstan's largest information broker concerned with the implementation of public resources of scientific and technical information, the study of information needs, providing scientific and technical information scientists and experts, and consumer access to domestic and foreign sources of information.




   -  Macmillan Publishers Around The World.





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