Academic policy

Академическая Политика Раздел 1

Академическая Политика Раздел 2 (ФПО)

Academic Integrity Rules

The main feature of the contemporary reality of vocational education is a sharp increase in the requirements of the social life to the need for full disclosure of the creative potential of the future specialist, increase of personal responsibility for social implementing their own purpose and recognition, as well as solutions of specific problems.

Development of integration processes in the field of education imposes new demands on the quality of training specialists, competitive on the domestic and international labor markets. The result - in the first place there is such a qualitative characteristic of university studies as the relevance of the acquired competences, in other words the competitiveness of graduates.

KazUIR & WL named after Ablai Khan - recognized in the Kazakhstan higher education as versatile educational institution, specializing in training specialists of humanitarian foreign language and international profile, with seventy-year history of traditions, sends it to its graduates from generation to generation. The University is proud of more than one generation of scientists, teachers and students who have made a worthy contribution to the development of science and education, culture and social and political life of the state.

Today, there are about 5.5 million people training at the university. The level of requirements to knowledge, skills and abilities of students is provided by highly qualified teaching staff, including 8 academicians, 59 doctors of sciences, including 9 PhD, 159 candidates of sciences.

Taking into account the needs and abilities of the individual training in KazUIR & WL is conducted on full-time, part-time (after college), evening (second higher education) courses.

The University carries out training of specialists with higher professional education by training educational and professional programs various in content and duration of study:

  • Higher basic education, implemented in the bachelor study
  • Higher scientific and pedagogical education, implemented in the master study
  • Higher Special Education

5 faculties functioning in the university:

  • Faculty of International Relations, Law and Business
  • Pedagogical Faculty of Foreign Languages Education
  • Faculty of Management and International Communications
  • Faculty of Translation and Philology
  • Faculty of Oriental Studies

The content of educational programs of higher education is established by state general educational standards of higher education and is realized through the working curricula and programs developed by universities.

The working curriculum takes into account the increasing role of independent work as one of the factors that promote the professional growth of the students and raise their creative activity. Working curriculum in all areas of training and specialties provide the required number of classroom hours.

Disciplines of working curricula are provided with working training programs, necessary educational-and-methodological literature.

Educational and methodological support of the educational process – textbooks, manuals, educational developments – is focused on the creation of favorable conditions for students for their productive individual activity.

In the educational process there are being tested and implemented advanced forms and modern technologies of education, affecting the quality and effectiveness: information technology, including distance education technology, active learning methods, the score-rating intensive technology of modular training, test methods and evaluation of the quality of training specialists.

The educational process is equipped with the necessary material and technical base. Computer park - 705 computers, 8 servers. Unified information intranet, system of open terminaals in educational buildings, unified electronic library system. Language labs, computer labs, classrooms, equipped with the necessary equipment, accompanying the learning process, assembly and conference halls, where studying also contributes to the development of professional competencies, implementation of creative abilities of students.

For sports fans there is functioning sports complex, which includes 7 halls. 15 sports sections make the educational process more interesting.

University has all conditions not only for quality education of students, but also for the development of a conscious responsible attitude of students to the opportunities and prospects for their professional, cultural and moral identity.

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