School of integrity

Head of the School of Integrity of the Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages.

Goals and responsibilities:

  • Anti-corruption culture;
  • Open educational institution;
  • Improving the quality of education through the introduction of anti-corruption mechanisms;
  • Anti-corruption legislation in the field of education;
  • Information support;
  • Increasing anti-corruption literacy of all educational institutions;
  • Enhancing anti-corruption behavior of all educational organizations;
  • Making students and teachers leaders in anti-corruption policy.


  • Publicity and truthfulness;
  • Legal culture of club members;
  • Collective organization of club activities;
  • Respect for the interests, reputation and opinions of club members;
  • Socially useful value;

Realizing the importance of solving the tasks,which set by the Head of State, relating to the elimination and prevention of acts against corruption in Kazakhstan, including in the education system, the University developed a system of preventive measures:

  • a special program - database - "Automated Control System" W ( 'ACS database 1C ") KazUIR & WL, which enables you to record and control all rating results exhibiting students without the ability to edit the results of the physical count Registrar Office experts (RR) of the University;
  • operates the "Personal e-mail of the teacher's office" on the University website, where only the teacher has the opportunity to expose the student assessment. Each teacher has a "Username" and "Password" to access their e-magazine for the nomination of all the student assessments of rating;
  • a list of students for grading in the list is formed automatically from the "database automation 1C" system "Personal e-mail account of the teacher" - after inspection by experts PR, according to the load carried out by the teacher in recognition of his disciplinary group of students - enshrined in the document "Personal timetable ". Taken into account during the scoring (last date of invoice, the method of control and so forth.);
  • ranking list, which is generated and printed from the system has several degrees of protection - a special code number, which is formed by a certain algorithm and electronic seal.

Operates three-stage examination exams tracking and grading:

  • own teacher - the teacher evaluates the student's own work and exposes the evaluation
  • computer exam - Written exam assesses the student's computer program, which has access to only the developer of the program
  • encrypted exam - the teacher does not know the identity of the student when checking student work. When an encrypted method of handling encrypted system for the particular algorithm, then the teacher evaluates the work and performance evaluation method of deciphering get into the system automatically, without editing by the teacher

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