Welcome to the Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages
The history of formation and development KazUIR & WL after Ablai Khan is closely linked with the education development of foreign language in the country. During the war 40 years of the last century there was a need for qualified specialists capable of carrying out intercultural communication.
Historically, the university formation took place in the Soviet period, and from the receipt of the University status by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan №1099 of 23 August 2001, began a new stage in its development.
Today KazUIR & WL after Ablai Khan - this is one of the leaders of Kazakhstan's higher school recognized multidisciplinary research and education institution specializing in foreign language training for humanitarian and international profile, carrying out training in 11 languages of the world.
Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages may be proud of more than one generation of scientists, teachers and students who have made a worthy contribution to the development of science, education, culture6, social and political life of the state.
Nowadays, Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages after Ablai Khan is an innovative University of adaptive type, designed to harmoniously combine the Kazakh identity with the best international scientific-educational model of social adaptation of the studying quality, the corresponding demands of international and domestic labor market.
The basis of the modern concept of University development is to train highly qualified specialists, competitive on the labor market, the implementation of existing and development of new information and communication technologies for educational and scientific work, constant improvement of research activities and further integration into the European educational, scientific and information sphere.
University held as one of the leading educational institutions of our country, absolutely respected partner for leading Kazakh, Russian and international universities.
We are going through an interesting and at the same time a difficult stage of our development: we set new goals, new heights and they aim to progress to development, to overcome the problems that are indicated in the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev "Strategy 2050".
I express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to all the staff of Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages, students and guests.
I wish the applicants the right choice of future profession, students, undergraduates, doctoral candidates - successful study, and colleagues - fruitful work to the glory of Kazakh science and education.