The XI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of science and education in the context of global changes" will be held on November 12, 2024 at the Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World Languages.

The goal of the conference is to discuss topical issues in the field of science and education, ensuring the quality of higher education in the context of global changes.

The main thematic sections are planned for the conference:

  1. Modern foreign-language educational paradigm of competence modeling based on cognitive-linguoculturological methodology of foreign language education.
  2. Professional and communicative interaction in foreign language education.
  3. Challenges and threats of the modern world under conditions of world order transformation, the search for a new vision.
  4. Research in the field of languages, literature and culture of the peoples of the world: current problems of philology and translation studies.
  5. Technologies of the future: AI and ICT as developing factors of education and science.
  6. Strategic management and communication in the modern world: challenges and prospects.
  7. Contemporary processes and current trends in economics and law.

University lecturers, college teachers, professors, researchers of the Scientific Research Institute, postgraduate students, graduate and undergraduate students, interested persons are invited to participate in the International scientific practical conference.

Participation format: offline \ online

Full paper and application submission deadline: November 10, 2024 (23:50 UTC+6).

Articles should be sent to the conference secretary Aliya S. Tusupova to the email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tel.+ 8 7272 92 03 84 (ext.2418).

Publication fee:  3,500 tenge.

Working languages: Kazakh, Russian, English.

The materials are published in the author's edition and not subject to correction.

The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the submitted materials.

As a result of the conferences, conference proceedings will be published in an electronic form.

The minimum level of paper originality is 75%.


The author’s application should be attached to the article.

Please send the application, full paper, a scanned payment notification and Anti- Plagiarism Verification Certificate in ONE LETTER to the email address.

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