Guest lecture by Mr. YoungNam Roh, Head of LG Electronics Representative Office in Russia and the CIS on the topic «Optimism & Inspiration as Business & Social Drive»

On November 28, 2024, a unique lecture by Mr. YoungNam Roh, Head of LG Electronics Representative Office in Russia and the CIS, will be held at Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages. The topic of the lecture is «Optimism & Inspiration as Business & Social Drive».

Mr. YoungNam Roh is an experienced manager with more than 30 years of experience, who has worked in such countries such as Russia, Kazakhstan, India, UAE, Portugal and Hungary. He is an inspiring leader who successfully combines business innovations with social projects and actively supports initiatives in the field of donation, healthcare and culture. He is also the author of a collection of poetic parables.

His extensive experience in key global markets and participation in social initiatives make this lecture especially valuable for students of our faculty.

  • Date: November 28
  • Time: 15:00 - 16:00
  • Venue: Red Assembly Hall
  • Language of the lecture: English

We invite everyone to join this significant event!

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