On February 8, 2019, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages will hold VI Republican scientific-practical conference for young scientists and specialists on the theme "Industry 4.0: Dialogue of Generations and New Gui

On February 8, 2019, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages will hold VI  Republican scientific-practical conference for young scientists and specialists  on the theme "Industry 4.0: Dialogue of Generations and New Guidelines for Young Scientists".

The purpose of the conference: experience rethinking of foreign language education and humanities science, the exchange of experiences in the context of the Patriot Act "Mangilik El".

The goal of the conference: to summarize current problems of education and scientific research works of young scientists, to create a platform for the exchange of experience and the generation of new ideas in the context of the article by the President of  Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev “Seven Facets of the Great Steppe” and the implementation of the program “Spiritual Modernization.”

Thematic priorities of the  conference related to the theme of  SRAC (scientific and research applied complex), scientific, research-innovative  and applied laboratories of Ablai khan  , Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages.

The main thematic directions  of the conference:


Current issues of innovative information space in foreign language education


Current problems of philological and linguistic researches, translation and intercultural communication


The importance of science in digital development of Kazakhstan and the CIS countries


The role of the Great Steppe in global history: the patriotic and spiritual and moral  education of youth


Geopolitical processes of the modern world: risks and challenges


Linguistic and socio-political problems of Eastern countries


Theoretical and applied aspects and current trends in economics, international and    domestic law, and management


New media, journalism and development of tourism in the era of information technology



The form of participation:  personal or virtual participation.

Application deadline: -  January 21, 2019 (23: 50 UTC+6).

Publication fee:  2500 tenge.

Distribution of conference proceeding is not provided.

Working languages: Kazakh, Russian and English.


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