X Republican Scientific and Practical Conference of young scientists and specialists "Dialogue of Generations and new guidelines"

On April 11 - 12, 2024, the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Ablai Khan is holding the X Republican Scientific and Practical Conference of young scientists and specialists "Dialogue of Generations and new guidelines", dedicated to the Day of Science Workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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The X International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of science and education in the context of global changes"

The X International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of science and education in the context of global changes" will be held on November 16-17, 2023 at the Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World Languages.

The goal of the conference is to discuss topical issues in the field of science and education, ensuring the quality of higher education in the context of global changes.

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"Dialogue of generations and new landmarks"

On April 27 - 28, 2023, the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Ablai Khan is holding the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference of young scientists and specialists "Dialogue of Generations and new guidelines", dedicated to the Day of Science Workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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International Round Table on the topic "Topical issues of professional training of specialists in foreign language education in the context of linguistic and cultural methodology: experience and innovations"

JSC "Kazakh Ablai кhan University of International Relations and World Languages " invites you to take part in the International Round Table on the topic "Topical issues of professional training of specialists in foreign language education in the context of linguistic and cultural methodology: experience and innovations", dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Kuznetsova Tamara Danilovna, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Professor.  

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Online Conference "III Ablai Khan Readings"



Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages holds on April 15. 2022 at 10.00 am an International Scientific and Practical Online Conference "III Ablai Khan Readings" dedicated to current issues of modern history of Kazakhstan, the rethinking of the role of Ablai Khan and the role of Kazakh historical figures, the formation of Kazakh patriotism, the Assembly of Kazakh people.

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Yesterday, on October 20, the branch of JSC "NCPC "Orleu" "Institute of Advanced Training of Pedagogical Workers in the city of Almaty" in an online format held an International scientific and practical conference "MULTILINGUALISM AS ONE OF THE priorities OF MODERN EDUCATION: STATE AND PROSPECTS", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Today, a multinational society that includes different cultures and languages is an indisputable advantage and asset of our republic. Multicultural education in Kazakhstan is currently one of the main directions in the system of secondary special and higher education. The purpose of the conference is a constructive discussion of problems and exchange of experience on the implementation of multilingualism in educational institutions of the republic.

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Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages holds on April 14. 2021 at 10.00 am an International Scientific and Practical Online Conference "II Ablai Khan Readings" dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the




Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages holds on April 14. 2021 at 10.00 am  an International Scientific and Practical Online Conference "II Ablai Khan Readings" dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the 80th anniversary of Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages and the implementation of the program “Rukhani Zhagyru”

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On December 9, 2020, the Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbassy invites to take part in the International scientific and practical online conference “Nazarbayev Model: Strategic Cooperation and Global Dialogue” dedicated to the Independence Day.

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Horizon 2100 - International Youth Online Contest of Scientific and Creative Works

“Horizon 2100 - International Youth Online Contest of Scientific and Creative Works”

Actual until March 31, 2019

The non-governmental Center for Modelling Future and a number of organizations from Russia, Europe, India and America is challenging students worldwide to “Turn on” intellect and carry out a search for scientific ideas, hypotheses ad fantastic dreams about the distant future.

Students and young people aged 16 to 26 are invited to participate.

The Contest is held with two nominations:

- For the best scientific work - a scientific article, reflecting the scientific vision of the future of the planet and humanity at the turn of 2100 and the prospects for the development of its various scenarios;

- For the best creative work - a science fiction story describing imaginary fantasy events, phenomena, processes and future prospects at the turn of 2100, giving them a scientific explanation.

Profile areas of the Contest:

  • Agrocomplex and rural development
  • Army, wars, international security, regional conflicts
  • Business, economy
  • Geopolitics
  • Biology
  • The medicine
  • Urban Studies
  • Artificial Intelligence and cognitive technologies
  • Computers and Internet
  • Cosmos
  • Nanotechnology
  • Society
  • Demographics
  • Environment
  • Energy and alternative energy sources
  • Transport and infrastructure
  • Methodological, methodological and informational support of forecasting
  • Interdisciplinary and / or integrated profile.

Contest Dates:

- Acceptance of scientific and creative works in the period from January 31, 2019 to March 31, 2019;

- Examination of works - from April 1 to April 30, 2019.

- summing up the results of the Contest and determining the works-finalists who took prizes I, II, III places - from May 1 to May 31, 2019.

Final events and Award Ceremony.

It is planned that the winners of the Contest will be given the right to participate in the final forum in Moscow in the summer of 2019, where the awards will be held.

More information and Application form for participants on the Contest website:

Horizon 2100 - English version (http://www.futurible.space/?page_id=672)

Our group on Vkontakte:


Our group on Facebook:


Project Coordinators:

Anakha Satish, India (Russian, English, Hindi)

Pravin Sanaran, India (English, Tamil)

Irina Ledneva, Russia (Russian, Chinese, English)

Ivan Mutkoglo, Moldova (Moldavian, Romanian, Turkish)

Sharon Young, USA (English)

Contest site: http://www.futurible.space/?page_id=337

Contest organizer: Centre for Modelling Future (Russia), 


Innovative Research and Education Center of Moscow Aviation University and the Institute of Control Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia,

Youth Public Organization "Young World", Russia,

Agency for International Cooperation in Education "AiBZ", Germany;

National Institute for System Studies of Entrepreneurship, Russia,

Carlos Nemer Consulting-CNC, Brazil;

Foundation for Support of Innovations in the Sphere of Culture and Education "GRANI MIRA", Russia.

Informational partners:

Future Now Internet portal / Futurenow.ru, Russia

Journal FUTURIBILI, Italy.

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On February 8, 2019, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages will hold VI Republican scientific-practical conference for young scientists and specialists on the theme "Industry 4.0: Dialogue of Generations and New Gui

On February 8, 2019, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages will hold VI  Republican scientific-practical conference for young scientists and specialists  on the theme "Industry 4.0: Dialogue of Generations and New Guidelines for Young Scientists".

The purpose of the conference: experience rethinking of foreign language education and humanities science, the exchange of experiences in the context of the Patriot Act "Mangilik El".

The goal of the conference: to summarize current problems of education and scientific research works of young scientists, to create a platform for the exchange of experience and the generation of new ideas in the context of the article by the President of  Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev “Seven Facets of the Great Steppe” and the implementation of the program “Spiritual Modernization.”

Thematic priorities of the  conference related to the theme of  SRAC (scientific and research applied complex), scientific, research-innovative  and applied laboratories of Ablai khan  , Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages.

The main thematic directions  of the conference:


Current issues of innovative information space in foreign language education


Current problems of philological and linguistic researches, translation and intercultural communication


The importance of science in digital development of Kazakhstan and the CIS countries


The role of the Great Steppe in global history: the patriotic and spiritual and moral  education of youth


Geopolitical processes of the modern world: risks and challenges


Linguistic and socio-political problems of Eastern countries


Theoretical and applied aspects and current trends in economics, international and    domestic law, and management


New media, journalism and development of tourism in the era of information technology



The form of participation:  personal or virtual participation.

Application deadline: -  January 21, 2019 (23: 50 UTC+6).

Publication fee:  2500 tenge.

Distribution of conference proceeding is not provided.

Working languages: Kazakh, Russian and English.


Download the information letter

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International conference "Foreign Language Education: Experience, Innovation and Prospects"

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages

Information Letter

The V International scientific-practical conference "Foreign Language Education: Experience, Innovation and Prospects" will be held November 12-13, 2018, at the Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages.

The purpose of the conference: conceptualize the experience of foreign language education and social and human sciences; create an international dialogue platform for discussion and exchange of innovative practices in the field of foreign language education and social and human sciences; to enhance international cooperation with universities and organizations.

The main streams of the conference:

  1. Language-educational paradigm based on the linguocultural methodology of the CIS countries and the SCO.
  2. Language-educational paradigm based on linguocultural methodology in the context of trilingualism in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  3. Reform of the state language as an important issue of the modernizing public awareness.
  4. Competence based training in the profile school
  5. Innovative technologies of early foreign language learning
  6. Competence based modeling of professional foreign language education
  7. Translation and intercultural communication platform.
  8. Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Linguistics and Foreign Philology.
  9. Modern infocommunications systems and technologies as a component of foreign language education.
  10. Patriotic, spiritual and moral education of young generation.
  11. Transformation of modern political processes and global changes in world politics.
  12. Actual trends in the development of modern international and national law.
  13. Strategic priorities and mechanisms to protect Kazakhstan's economic interests under the conditions of social modernization of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  14. Modern trends in the development of social and human sciences (oriental studies, management, tourism, etc.).

Members from the academic communities and students are invited to take part in the conference.

The form of participation: In person, distance participation.
Deadline for submission of applications and articles - before October 26, 2018.

Papers should be sent to email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - to the Executive Secretary of the conference Ms.Zarema D.Shaimardanova.

The cost of publication – 3 500 tenge, for students – 2 500 KZT.

Mailing of books is not provided (only pick up).
Working languages​​: Kazakh, Russian, English.

The Organizing Committee reserves the right to reject submitted scientific papers, which do not match the theme of the conference, or fail to meet the correct article preparation requirements.

Tel .: 8 7272 92 03 84 (int. 1074).

Requirements for preparation of documents.

Content - 5-7 pages in the format of a text editor MS Word, including the footnotes. Print size - 12 , type - Times New Roman; line spacing – 1 pt. All fields should be 2 cm, paragraph indent -1.25cm, text editor Word 2010, Font KZ Times New Roman.

Pages are not numbered, hyphenations are not put. Footnotes on literature should be given in accordance with the basic publishing standards on paper design in accordance with State Standard 7.5-98 "Journals, collections, informative publications. Publishers’ design of publishing materials ", site bibliographic lists in accordance with (bibliographic lists should be in accordance) State Standard 7.1-2003 "Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of document preparation"[2, c.5]. Pay attention to the design of the electronic document.
          On the top left side -  there should be the U.D.C. (Universal Decimal Classification) of article,  on the right side, there should be printed first names and surnames of author(s), their degrees, ranks, titles, full name of organization, with usual print. The title of the report should be typed in bold print, with alignment in the centre, full stop should not be put at the end of the title. Further, the indentation should be followed by Abstract in Kazakh, Russian and English (8-10 lines, 70-90 words), keywords in 3 languages, ​​at the end there should not be full stop (5-8 words) (see example). This would be followed the text.

Figure - in the center of the page after the link in the text; format - any supported by the Microsoft Word editor; top and bottom - an empty string. The name of the figure is through the line from the capturing caption after the figure number (Figure 1 - ...). No dot after the title of the figure. Tables - in the center of the page after the link to it. After the table should be an empty string. The name of the table is above the table, with a paragraph indentation of 1.25 cm after the table number (Table 1 - ...). Font: Times New Roman, size - 12, line, alignment in width. The table name is separated from the text from the top by an empty line. No dot after the title of the table. There are references at the end of the article: "Әdebiet" - if the article is in Kazakh, "Литература" - if the article is in Russian, "References" - if the article is in English.

If the article is in Kazakh and Russian, it is necessary to specify the author's output data, the title of the paper, a summary (the word itself is not written) and keywords in English. If the paper is in English - the author's output data, the title of the paper, summaries and key words only in Kazakh; paper in Russian - the author's output, the title of the article, summaries and key words only in English.

The file name must match the author's (or first author's) name.

In case of inconsistency of the presented material with the subject of the conference and the requirements of the scientific publication, the organizing committee reserves the right to remove it. Manuscripts will not be returned.

For example:

(U.D.C.) 94(560):355.48

Мұхтарқызы C.,

магистрант КазУМОиМЯ имени Абылай хана

специальность «6М020900-Востоковедение»

Алматы, Казахстан

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


В статье рассматриваются концептуальные основы исследования «войн памяти», методологические разработки «коллективной памяти», взаимодействие между национальным самосознанием и коллективной памятью, основы формирования «политических мифов».

Ключевые слова: войны памяти, коллективная память, политический миф, изобретение традиций.

Mukhtarkyzy S.,

Undergraduate of Orientalism of Ablaikhan

KazUIRandWL, Almaty, Kazakhstan

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


 The article is concerned with the conceptual bases of memory wars research, methodological development of “collective memory”, the interaction between national identity and collective memory, bases of “political myths” formation.

The author comes to the conclusion that human reality - the reality is socially constructed. Collective memory is one of the main components in the society development. It is impossible without it to imagine the existence of the community.

Keywords: war memorie»,  collective memory, political myths, invention of tradition.

Текст статьи

Человеческая реальность – это реальность социально конструируемая. Коллективная память является одним из главных компонентов в развитии общества. Без нее невозможно представить себе существование социального сообщества [2, c.5]. 

Обращение к изучению «войн памяти» представляет собой одно из новых и перспективных направлений в современном востоковедении, позволяет существенно расширить горизонты познания прошлого, дает новые ответы на старые проблемы, а также ставит и решает ряд принципиально иных исследовательских задач.


  • Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. - Алматы, 2010. – 344 с.
  • Андреева Г.М. Социальная психология. – М.: Аспект Пресс,  2004. – 363 с.
  • Кайыржанова Н.С. Развитие межкультурной коммуникации на основе коммуникативных ситуаций  // Известия КазУМОиМЯ им. Абылай хана. Серия «Педагогические науки». – 2017. - № 1 (44).- С. 100-109.
  • Hobsbawm E. Introduction: Inventing Traditions // The Invention of Tradition. Еd. by E. Hobsbawm and T. Ranger. - Cambridge, 2000. - P. 17.
  • Галиев А.А. Этнополитические процессы у тюркоязычных народов: история и ее мифологизация: дисс. ... д.и.н. - Алматы, 2010. - 310 с.
  • Главу Samsung арестовали по делу о коррупции. - Режим доступа URL: http://www.bbc.com/russian/news-39000631- (дата обращения 12.10.2018).

Если ресурс на каз.яз.: Кіру режимі:  www.profile.kz - (қаралған күні 30.01.2018).

Если ресурс на англ.яз.: Access mode: www.languages.com.  Accessed 12.10.2018.

Application for participation in the conference



First Name


Other Names


Name of organization


Academic Degree, academic title


The form of participation


Postal address


Phone number




Title of direction


Topic of the report



"Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages"

Registered address :
050022 , Almaty, 200, Muratbayeva str.
Bank details:
TRN (Taxpayer Registration Number) 600700016 904
IIC  (Individual Identification Code)  KZ 358 560 000 000 010 712
Almaty City Branch of Bank Center Credit S.A.
BIC (Bank Identification Code) KCJB KZ KX
Beneficiary Code 16
BIN (Bank Identification Number) 011140001654

When making bank transfer please put as a reference- "Target fee for participation in the International Scientific Conference, Ablai Khan University".

Citizens of Almaty can pay in the accounting department of Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages.

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Conference “Multidimensional research on the history, the problems and the prospects for the introduction of international educational projects in the Republic of Kazakhstan”

Within the framework of the project “Multidimensional research on the history, the problems and the prospects for the introduction of international educational projects in the Republic of Kazakhstan” for grant financing of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2018-2020 (the priority “Mangilik el” : the education of the XXIst century, fundamental and applied research in the humanities), the Sorbonne-Kazakhstan Institute at the Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University organizes a three-stage cycle of the international scientific events.

In the course of the project “Multidimensional research on the history, the problems and the prospects for the introduction of international educational projects in the Republic of Kazakhstan” an active transversal dialogue will be initiated between representatives of leading universities in Kazakhstan and Western Europe, which will create new precedents for international scientific cooperation in higher education. This project does not aim to exchange pedagogical experience, but it affects the philosophical, cultural, economic, political and legal aspects of education. Conducting international scientific events with the invitation of foreign specialists will help representatives of Kazakhstani universities to analyze and implement certain practices. At the same time, specialists themselves may not be teachers, but representatives of different scientific branches and directions. A single key concept here is the education as such, and the understanding of its aspects will be provided directly to the participants in the exchange process.

The first cycle of international scientific events “Philosophical and political aspects of international educational projects” will be opened by the international conference “Philosophical theories of education and their role in modern national concepts of education systems”. We invite you to participate in this conference by sending the subject of the report and the resume (500 words) in Kazakh, Russian, English or French languages to 31 May 2018 by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Subject to the approval of the topic and the contents of the report, the full text of the report must be sent by 10 June 2018 to the e-mail address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. At the end of the conference, the publication of materials is envisaged.

The preliminary date for the conference is June 18, 2018.

For additional information, please contact:

+7 (727) 293-40-67

8 702 341 28 75 (WhatsApp)

Yours faithfully,

Organizing committee of the international conference “Philosophical theories of education and their role in modern national concepts of education systems”

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International Conference "India at 7.0: History and Modernization"

Date: 27 february 2018
Аdres: "Altyn Emel" Conference Hall, "Kazakhstan" Hotel, 52/2 Dostyk street, Almaty.

В конференции примут участие Зам. директора Национального архива Индии (онлайн), ЦГА РК, Архива Президента РК, Директор Центральной Научной библиотеки, а также ведущие специалисты.

Планируется обсуждение будущих совместных проектов с индийской стороной, а также презентация двух проектов - многотомной серии, посвященной Дж. Неру (из Мемориального музея и библиотеки Дж. Неру), и коллективной монографии в рамках проекта Института востоковедения.

В конференции примут участие Посол Индии в РК, бывший Посол Индии в РК, а также представители иностранных консульств из Афганистана, Ирана, Турции, ЮНЕСКО и т.д.

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Young Scientists: Dialogue of Science and Education

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages

Information letter

 On February 8, 2018 Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages will hold the V Republican scientific and practical conference of young scientists "Young Scientists: Dialogue of Science and Education".

The goal of the conference: to summarize the range of actual problems of education and scientific research of young scientists, to create a platform for the exchange of experience and the generation of new ideas in the context of the program article of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev "Bolashakka bagdar: ruhani zhangyru" / "Course towards the future: modernization of Kazakhstan’s identity" and the 20th anniversary of Astana.

The main thematic areas of the conference:

  1. Transformation of the national consciousness: historical experience and spiritual modernization.
  2. Transition to Latin graphics: compliance with the requirements of time.
  3. Astana is the capital of the renewed Kazakhstan.
  4. Foreign language education in the focus of linguistic and cultural methodology.
  5. Modern linguistic and philological research.
  6. Translation and intercultural communication in the context of a functional-pragmatic typology of languages ​​and cultures.
  7. World politics, international integration and geopolitical processes of our time.
  8. Contemporary international and national laws.
  9. Strategic priorities and mechanisms for protecting Kazakhstan's economic interests in conditions of social modernization of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  10. Modern trends in the development of social and human sciences (oriental studies, management, tourism, etc.).

The form of participation in the conference: full-time, correspondence.

The deadline for submission of applications and articles - until January 30, 2018.

The publication fee: 2 500 tenge. The distribution of the collection is not provided (self-delivery).

Working languages: Kazakh, Russian, English.

Articles, applications and a scanned receipt for payment should be sent by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - to the responsible secretary of the conference Shaimardanova Z.D.

The Organizing Committee reserves the right to reject submitted scientific articles not relevant to the theme of the conference or the requirements for the design of scientific articles.

The publication of the collection of scientific papers is scheduled before the conference

Venue of the Conference: Almaty, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages, Muratbayev st., 200, Blue hall, acad.building 1.

Tel: 87272 92 03 84 (ext.1074).

Requirements for the articles submission:

Volume - 5-7 pages in the format of the text editor MS Word, including footnotes. Page parameters: all sides 2.0 cm (Word text editor, Font KZ Times New Roman, Times New Roman, font: size - 12, line spacing - 1pt, paragraph indent -1.25).

Pages are not numbered, carryings are not put. Footnotes on literature should be given in accordance with the basic publishing standards for the preparation of articles in accordance with Government standard 7.5-98 "Journals, collections, information publications. Publishing design of published materials ", bibliographic lists in accordance with Government standard 7.1-2003"Bibliographic record. Citation. General requirements and rules" [2, p.5]. When numbering the literature, automatic numbering is not allowed at all. Pay attention to the design of the electronic document.

At the top right is the UDC of the article, then on the right, in the usual font, the surname, initials of the author (s), degree, academic title, position, full name of the organization. The title of the report is printed in bold with an alignment in the middle, there is no dot at the end of the title. Next, after the indentation, the summary and key words are in English, followed by keywords and a summary in the language of the article (Kazakh or Russian, 8-10 lines, 70-90 words). Then follows the text of the article. Font: Times New Roman, size - 12, lowercase, centered. Concludes the article "Adebiet" - if the article is in Kazakh, "Literatura" - if the article is in Russian, "References" - if the article is in English.

The file name must match the name of the author (or first author).

In case of discrepancy of the material presented to the conference theme and the requirements of scientific publication organizing Committee reserves the right to suspend him. Manuscripts are not returned.

Sample of the article in Russian:

УДК  94(560):355.48

ӘОЖ (если статья на каз.яз.)

UDC (если статья на англ.)

Мұхтарқызы C.,

магистрант КазУМОиМЯ имени Абылай хана

Специальность «6М020900-Востоковедение»

Алматы, Казахстан

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


В статье рассматриваются концептуальные основы исследования «войн памяти», методологические разработки «коллективной памяти», взаимодействие между национальным самосознанием и коллективной памятью, основы формирования «политических мифов».

Ключевые слова: войны памяти, коллективная память, политический миф, изобретение традиций.

Mukhtarkyzy S.,

Undergraduate of Orientalism of Ablaikhan

KazUIRandWL, Almaty, Kazakhstan

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Theoretical basis of research of "memories wars"

The article is concerned with the conceptual bases of memory wars research, methodological development of “collective memory”, the interaction between national identity and collective memory, bases of “political myths” formation.

The author comes to the conclusion that human reality - the reality is socially constructed. Collective memory is one of the main components in the society development. It is impossible without it to imagine the existence of the community

Keywords: war memories,  collective memory, political myths, invention of tradition.


Текст статьи

Автор приходит к выводу, что человеческая реальность – это реальность социально конструируемая. Коллективная память является одним из главных компонентов в развитии общества. Без нее невозможно представить себе существование социального сообщества [2, c.5]. 

Обращение к изучению «войн памяти» представляет собой одно из новых и перспективных направлений в современном востоковедении, позволяет существенно расширить горизонты познания прошлого, дает новые ответы на старые проблемы, а также ставит и решает ряд принципиально иных исследовательских задач.


  1. Хальбвакс М. Социальные рамки памяти. - М., 2009. – 236 с.
  2. Хальбвакс М. Коллективная и историческая память // Неприкосновенный запас. Дебаты о политике и культуре. – 2005. - № 2-3 (40-41). – С. 8-27.
  3. Адорно Т.В. Что означает «проработка прошлого» // Неприкосновенный запас. Дебаты  политике  и культуре. – 2005.  - № 2-3 (40-41). – С. 36-37.
  4. Бергер П., Лукман Т. Социальное констурирование реальности. Трактат по социологии знания. -  М., 1995. -  356 с.
  5. Hobsbawm E. Introduction: Inventing Traditions // The Invention of Tradition. Еd. by E. Hobsbawm and T. Ranger. - Cambridge, 2000. - P. 17.
  6. Нора П. Между памятью и историей. Проблематика мест памяти // Нора П., Озуф М., Пюимех Ж., Винок М. Франция – память. - СПб., 1999. - С. 17–50.
  7. Галиев А.А. Этнополитические процессы у тюркоязычных народов: история и ее мифологизация: дисс. ... д.и.н. - Алматы, 2010. - 310 с.
  8. Главу Samsung арестовали по делу о коррупции [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа URL: http://www.bbc.com/russian/news-39000631- (дата обращения 10.09.2017).

Заявка на участие

в работе V  Республиканской научно-практической конференции молодых ученых «Молодые  ученые: диалог науки и  образования»







Название организации


Ученая степень, ученое звание

Студент, магистрант, докторант

(специальность и курс)


Форма участия


Почтовый адрес






Название секции


Тема доклада




АО «Казахский университет международных отношений и мировых языков имени Абылай хана».

Юридический адрес:

050022, г.Алматы, ул.Муратбаева, 200

Банковские реквизиты:

РНН 600700016 904

ИИК   KZ 358 560 000 000 010 712

АГФ     АО Банк Центр Кредит


Кбе 16

БИН 011140001654


Стоимость публикации: для молодых  ППС- 3000 тенге,  для магистрантов и студентов-  2500 тенге.

При перечислении обязательно указать «Целевой взнос за участие в конференции МНК   КазУМОиМЯ им.Абылай хана».

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The 4-th International scientific-practical conference “Foreign language education: experience, problems, innovations”

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World Languages

Information Letter

On November 18, 2016, the Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages will hold The 4-th International scientific-practical conference “Foreign language education: experience, problems, innovations”.

The purpose of the conference: comprehension of theoretical and methodological approaches and experiences of foreign language education and the humanities in scientific innovation paradigm.

The main topics of the conference:
1 Foreign Language Educational paradigm based on lingua-cultural methodology of the three languages

2 International integration and regional aspects of contemporary international relations (economics, law, diplomacy, oriental studies, management, tourism, etc.).

3 Theoretical and applied aspects of linguistics and foreign philology.

4 Interpretive platform of translation and intercultural communication.

5 Modern infocommunication systems and technologies as components of foreign language education.

The form of participation: In person, or virtual participation.
Deadline for submission of applications and articles is November 10, 2016.
The cost of publication is
3 500 tenge.
Distribution of books is not provided (self collection).
Working languages: Kazakh, Russian, English.

          Articles, requests for participation, and scanned receipt of payment should be sent to email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to the Executive Secretary of the conference Dr. Alfiya Telyapova   The Organizing Committee reserves the right to reject submitted scientific papers, which do not match the theme of the conference, or fail to meet the correct article submission requirements.
           It is planned to publish a sourcebook of materials prior to the start of the conference.
           Telephone for enquiries: +77272 92 43 87


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