International Conference "Modern trends in the development of Linguistics and Oriental studies"

Ablai khan Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages invites you to take part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern Trends in the Development of Linguistics and Oriental Studies" dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the famous scientist, Doctor of Philology, Professor - Nelly Pak.

The conference will be held on November 25, 2022, at 11.00 am (Astana time).

The organizers of the conference are Ablai khan Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages, Oriental studies faculty, Center for Korean studies of Ablai khan University of International Relations and World Languages, Department of Oriental Philology.

The purpose of the conference: discussion of topical issues in the development of linguistic and oriental sciences.

The following sections are planned at the conference:

  1. Topical issues of Oriental science in Kazakhstan and abroad: modern challenges and trends
  2. Innovative methods of teaching foreign languages: problems and prospects
  3. Digital and distance technologies in foreign language education
  4. Translation, translation studies and linguoculturology
  5. East vs. West. Dialogue of Languages ​​and Cultures: Interdisciplinary Research.

Reports of a wide thematic spectrum are accepted, which can be presented within the above sections.

Conference Proceedings will be published before the conference.

Time: 11.00–13.00 (plenary session)

Date: November 25, 2022

The form of the event: face-to-face and online at Microsoft Teams platform

Venue: 200, Muratbayev str, No. 1 EB, 108, Almaty

Conference Languages: kazakh, russian, english, korean

We invite scientists, researchers, experts, teachers, students, undergraduates, doctoral students and all interested persons to take part in the given event.

Requirements for paper

Volume - 5-7 pages in MS Word text editor format, including footnotes. Font size - 14; type - Times New Roman; line spacing - 1, alignment of text. All fields are 2cm, indent is 1.25 cm by default.

Pages are not numbered; hyphens are not allowed. Footnotes to the literature should be given in square brackets in accordance with the basic publishing standards for the design of articles in accordance with GOST 7.5-98 “Magazines, collections, informational publications. The structure and format of publishing materials ", bibliography references should be

written in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of drafting "[2, p.5]. Pay attention to the design of the electronic document.

UDC of the article is printed on the top left. Then, after a space to the right the Name (and initials) of the author(s), his/her degree, academic title, position, full name of the organization is written in bold type. The title of article is printed in capital letters, in bold with alignment in the middle, no dot after name of a title. Then, after a space, keywords and summaries are given in the language of an article (Kazakh/Russsian/English, 8-10 lines, 70-90 words), further keywords and summaries are given in English (if an article is written in Kazakh/Russian languages. Example-1, 2) / keywords and summaries are given in Russian/Kazakh language (if an article is written in English., Example-3,4). Then, follows the text of the article. Figures are given in the center of the page after the link in the text; format - any supported by Microsoft Word; an empty line is left above and below. The name of a figure is given after the figure number (Figure 1 - ...). No dot after the title of a figure. Tables are put in the center of the page after the link to it. An empty line is left after a table. The name of a table is given above the table, with a paragraph indent of 1.25 cm after the table number (Table 1 - ...). Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt., lowercase, alignment in the middle. The name of the table is separated from the text by a blank line. No dot after the name of a table. An article ends with the list of references: “Әдебиет” - if the article is in Kazakh, “Литература” - if the article is in Russian, and “REFERENCE” - if the article is in English.

The deadline for submitting applications and articles is October 31, 2022

According to the results of the conference, a collection of materials of the conference will be published.

Articles should be sent to the following email address:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tel. +7 701 888 7861 (Kim Svetlana Kuanishbayevna)

The cost of publication is 3,500 tenge. Publication of foreign scientists on a free basis.

The Organizing Committee reserves the right to reject submitted scientific articles that do not correspond to the topic of the conference, or to the requirements for the structure and format of scientific articles.

The document on payment of the registration fee is sent by e-mail in the form of a scanned image of the document in IPEG or PDF format. Materials that do not meet the specified requirements or are sent after the deadline will not be considered and will not be returned to the author.

The file name must match the authors’ (or first author's) names.

Application form

for participating to the International Conference

"Modern trends in the development of Linguistics and Oriental studies"





Patronymic name


Name of the organization


Academic degree


Form of participation






Thematic direction


Direction (topic) of the conference



Joint-Stock Company «Kazakh Ablai khan University of International relations and World Languages»

Legal address:

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Bank details:

Taxpayer identification number 600700016 904

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When making a transfer, it is necessary to indicate the “Fee for participation in the conference on the topic "Modern trends in the development of Linguistics and Oriental studies" of Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages.”

Organizing Committee’s address, 050022, 200 Muratbaev str., 050022, Almaty, the Republic of Kazakhstan

Теl.: +7 701 888 7861

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Sample of the article’s format

УДК  94(560):355.48

 Исатаев Қ.,

докторант специальности «6М020900-Востоковедение»,

Казахский университет международных отношений и мировых языков им. Абылай хана, Алматы, Казахстан, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Аннотация: 180-250 cлов

Ключевые слова: не более 8 cлов


Аннотация: В статье рассматриваются концептуальные основы исследования «войн памяти», методологические разработки «коллективной памяти», взаимодействие между национальным самосознанием и коллективной памятью, основы формирования «политических мифов».

Ключевые слова: «войны памяти», коллективная память, «политический миф», «изобретение традиций».

Текст статьи

Issatayev  K.,

PhD student of «6М020900- Orientalism»

Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages

Almaty, Kazakhstan, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract: 180-250 words

Keywords: no more than 8 words

Theoretical basis of research of "memories wars"

Abstract: The article is concerned with the conceptual bases of memory wars research, methodological development of “collective memory”, the interaction between national identity and collective memory, bases of “political myths” formation.

Keywords: «war memories»,  collective memory, «political myths», «invention of tradition».


Литература / Әдебиет / References

1 Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. -Алматы, 2010. – 344 с.

2  Hobsbawm E. Introduction: Inventing Traditions // The Invention of Tradition. Еd. И E. Hobsbawm and T. Ranger. - Cambridge, 2000. - P. 17.

3  Главу Samsung арестовали по делу о коррупции. – Режим доступа URL: - (дата  обращения: 12.10.2018).


Organizing Committee

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