International recognition


austrian cross of honour for science "Austrian Honorary Cross" for contribution to the development of education and culture
europian quality International award "European Quality"
united europe International award "United Europe" for contribution to European integration
socrat International honorary award "Socrates" for contribution to the intellectual development of the younger generation
lider The honorary title of "Leader of education", was set Cambridge Scientific Association
lomonosov International award "Order of Lomonosov" for contribution to science (Russia)
palm tree International Honorary Award "Academic Palm branch" (France)
palm tree Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World languages has recently received the International Quality Certificate of the Swiss Institute of Quality Standards “SIQS”
palm tree National Certificate and medal "Industry Leader" in the socio-economic sector
palm tree International award in the field of scientific researches "The name in science"
palm tree University leader appreciation award in recognition of igniting and cultivating a team of professionals in the values and spirit of the Erasmus+ program

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