Academic Council



The Academic Council of Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World Languages is an elected collegial governing body that carries out the overall management of the university.

The Academic Council is headed by the Chairman of the Board - Rector of the University, Doctor of Philology, Academician of NAS RK Salima Sagievna Kunanbayeva.

The activities of the Academic Council are based on transparency, collective discussion of matters within its competence.

The term of office of the Academic Council-3years.

Council in its activity is guided by the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Standard Rules of the Academic Council of a higher educational institution.

The members of the Academic Council is approved by the order of the Chairman of the Board – Rector of KazUIR and WL after Ablai khan.

The Academic Council within its competence performs the following functions:

- consideration of issues related to the implementation of the University’s Strategic Development Plan;

- consideration of the awarding of academic titles to professors and scholars teaching staff;

- consideration of matters and decision-making on scientific, methodological and educational activities;

- consideration and adoption of internal regulations;

- decision-making on all issues of organizing the educational process ;

- consideration of the main issues and adoption of the decision on the social development of the university;

- evaluation of the university’s activities during the academic year;

- periodic consideration of reports on educational and scientific-research work;

-  review of reports on the activities of the constituent units of the university;

- consideration of higher and postgraduate education programmes in accordance with state compulsory education standards for approval by the board of the university;

- consideration of university-related issues requiring collegial solution.

Academic Council meetings are held once a month in accordance with the approved work plan. If necessary, meetings of the Academic Council are held on an ad hoc basis.

To organize the preparation of issues discussed by the Academic Council, monitoring the execution of certain decisions, compilation of experiences and  proposals for improving the Council’s  working methods and forms, an academic secretary of the Academic Council is appointed from among its members by order of the Chairman of the Board - Rector.

Responsibility for the timely and high-quality preparation of materials for the Academic Council meetings and record keeping of the Academic Council is assigned to the Academic Secretary.

Scientific Secretary of the Academic Council of Ablai khan University - Zhakyanova Aigerim

Telephone: +7 (727) 292-03-84 (int: 1087)


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