Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World Languages is one of the leading universities in Kazakhstan, which specifies on foreign language education. I was fortunate enough to enter the Master's program of the University in 2016 and thanks to the innovative leadership of KazAUIR&WL, represented by the rector of the university, Dr. Kunanbayeva S.S.
as well as the high professionalism of the teaching staff of the graduate school and the scientific supervisor Prof. Ismailova F.E. I managed to win an educational grant from the Government of South Korea and an invitation to the PhD program from the Hanguk University of Foreign Studies (South Korea), specializing in Foreign Philology - Comparative Literature.
Let me thank again the University for its significant contribution to the development of the educational system, which gives an opportunity to see the world within the framework of academic mobility. I wish KazAUIR&WL further development, prosperity and talented students.
Yours faithfully,
Class of 2018 Alumnus
M.A. Zholamanova Symbat Askhatovna