The 22nd annual world competition "Chinese Bridge" among students was held in Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages after Ablai khan on February 9, 2023.
This competition was organized by the Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Almaty and the Confucius Institute of KazUIR and WL after Abylai Khan and the Faculty of Oriental Studies.
The "Chinese Language Bridge" is no longer just a competition, but a real celebration of friendship, strength, uniting young people of different cultures and nationalities. This event serves to support cultural ties, strengthen mutual understanding, deepen and expand fruitful cooperation between people of Kazakhstan and China. Besides the ability of reading and writing skills write in Chinese participants also demonstrated their creative abilities.
The students of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, the Confucius Institute of Kazakh National University and the International Kazakh-Chinese College took part in the competition. All participants showed their skills at a high level. In a persistent and competitive struggle, a 4th-year student of the faculty of oriental studies by specialty of “Translation studies ”, Zhanarbekova Dilnaz, took 1st place.
We would like to congratulate the staff of our university, as well as the teaching staff of the department of translation of oriental languages, which is headed by Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor Dzheldibaeva Raushan Bazikenovna on winning such a prestigious international competition!