Eurasia 'Foundation was founded in 2009 by Japanese businessman and philanthropist Yoji Sato. It is has been operating in 515 universities around the world in more than 40 countries of Eurasia. This international foundation contributes to the formation of the youth, scientific elite of the Asian community, through cultural exchange and the acquisition of additional knowledge about the regions of Asia.
The uniqueness of this international educational fund lies in the fact that scientists from the leading countries of the Asia-Pacific region: Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, as well as leading professors from all over the world give lectures to our students. As part of the work of the Foundation, the 'United Asia' Project is being implemented at our university for the 4th year, where students and teaching staff are given the opportunity to listen to lectures by leading professors of the world, participate in scientific and practical conferences, practices and seminars held on the platform of the Eurasia Foundation.