On April 4, 2024, international scientific conference of students and young scientists "Farabi World" was held in KazNU named after Al-Farabi in an offline format. The conference was attended by students of the 1st-4th year of our faculty "Oriental studies" and "Turkology" educational programms: Eren Aizere Medeukovyna, Satybaldina Yerkenaz Dzhanbolatovna, Kablan Aisha Kutbayovna, Serikbolova Aruna Serikbolovna.
According to the final results of the conference, the prize places were taken by:
4th year student Kablan Aisha Kutbayovna - 2nd place, supervisor: Doctor of Science, Associate Professor Yeserkepova Zh.O.;
4th year student Serikbolova Aruna Serikbolovna - 3rd place, supervisor: Doctor of Science, Associate Professor Yeserkepova Zh.O.;
1st year student Satybaldina Yerkenaz Dzhanbolatovna - 3rd place, supervisor: Doctor of Science, Associate Professor Yeserkepova Zh.O.;
1st year student Eren Aizere Medeukovyna was awarded with a certificate. Supervisor: Doctor of Science, Associate Professor Yeserkepova Zh.O.
We wholeheartedly congratulate our talented students who defended the honor of our university and faculty!