1st year master's students of the specialty "Journalism" and "Foreign Philology" of KazUMO and the Abylai Khan International Language Institute took part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists "LANGUAGE. CULTURE. COMMUNICATION”, held on the basis of the South Ural State University (Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation).
A representative and well-known in the scientific world, the Forum brought together several hundred young scientists from different countries. At the plenary session, Angelina Sumarokova made a report “Journalism of cultural narratives through analysis of the practice of art spaces in Kazakhstan”, at the sectional sessions - Zhanar Kusmanova “Poetics of Poetic Text at the NEW YORK SCHOOL OF POETS” and Diana Mumladze “Linguistics of the absurd in modern Korean literature" (scientific supervisor of the speakers - Professor G. G. Gizdatov).
Based on the results of the forum, the reports of A. Sumarokova and Zh. Kusmanova were recognized as the best, they were given certificates, the works of all three participants were recommended for publication in the indexed and peer-reviewed journal “LANGUAGE. CULTURE. COMMUNICATION».