«Хәрри Поттер мен Пәлсапа тас»

    Harry Potter a popular series of books by the famous British writer J.K. Rowling, translated into 80 worldlanguages, was now first translated into Kazakh under the title "Хәрри Поттер мен пәлсапа тас" by Steppe & World publishing house. Two of the three translators who translated this book are Sayat Mukhamediyar and Narkez Berikkazy. They are graduates of the Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages, Faculty of Translation and Philology. Narkez Berіkkazy studied as a simultaneous interpreter. Sayat Mukhamediyar, a graduate of the bachelor's degree in translation studies, has studied masters program under the Bolashak program. He currently teaches at the Department of Translation and Intercultural Communication. Today the first book of the series has been released, the second book is still in the process of translation. It is planned that next year the remaining 5 books of this series will be published. Good luck to our colleagues!

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