Magistracy of Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages (KazUIR & WL), one of the leading universities of Kazakhstan, prepares masters with foreign education in accordance with the tasks set by the Head of State to the system of higher and postgraduate education of RK to ensure trinity languages policy.
In the framework of the State Program of Education Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020, taking into account the specifics of the development of foreign language education of RK, KazUIR & WL announces admission to the magistracy in 2016-2017 academic year in the following specialties:
6M011900 - Foreign language: two foreign languages
6M021000 - Foreign philology
6M020700 - Translation Studies (consultant, simultaneous interpreter)
6M010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology
6M050500 – Regional studies
6M020200 - International relations
6M090200 - Tourism
6M050400 - Journalism
6M020400 – Cultural studies
6M020900 – Oriental studies
6M030200 - International law
6M050600 - Economy
6M051100 - Marketing
6M051000 - State and local management
Master of Science is a researcher of a high school, highly skilled, professionally prepared to teach and carry out scientific research in accordance with the chosen specialty.
Training specialists in the magistracy is carried out by scientific and pedagogical (2 years) and profile (1 year of study) directions.
Scientific and pedagogical magistracy realizes educational programs of post-graduate training of specialists for system of higher, postgraduate education and scientific research sector, possessing profound scientific and pedagogical preparation.
Profile magistracy realizes educational programs of post-graduate training of specialists, having in-depth training.
Educational KazUIR & WL named after Ablai Khan Master programs are realized on the basis of valid licenses granted by MES which give right to conduct educational activity on the corresponding specialties of Magistracy.
All graduate students are involved in the research work: participation in scientific conferences at various levels, research on the problems of master's theses, internships abroad.
Scientific-pedagogical internship purposefully contributes to the improvement of the scientific level and professionally relevant competences taking into account specifics of scientific research.
Training is conducted in Kazakh, Russian, English, German, French and other foreign languages.
Graduates are taught and scientific theses are supervised by specialists of the highest academic qualifications: academicians, doctors of sciences, professors, candidates of sciences, associate professors, PhD with great scientific and pedagogical work experience, as well as teachers from the UK, Australia, the USA, Germany, France and other foreign countries.
Documents required for admission:
- Application
- Recommendation letter from work place or school.
- Diploma of Higher Education (the original and a notarized copy)
- The Diploma Supplement (original and a notarized copy)
- Medical certificate - Form number 086 - U
- 6 photos 3 x 4
- Extract from the work book (if any)
- Identity card (original and 3 copies), for foreigners - visa terms.
Magistracy is located at the address: 050022, Almaty, Muratbayev st., 200
Phone: (727) 292 44 60, fax (727) 292 44 73 Website: