31.10.16 year, in celebration of the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the auditorium of KazUIR & WL named after Ablai Khan University was held a competition on knowledge of the history of independent Kazakhstan. The contest was called "Meeting of the Lower Chamber of the Mazhilis of Parliament", which is the performance of the team-committees, members of the Mazhilis.
The competition was attended by teams from all faculties. They were the committees, the activities of which are close to the professional activities of the Faculty, as the students had to submit a team within the framework of the study and presentation of the goals and objectives of the said Committee, functioning as part of the Lower Chamber of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan in real life. Team-Committee also voiced achievements of Kazakhstan for the years of independence, discussed topical issues facing the Kazakhstani society, answered the questions of modern history. Also, the teams prepared musical and literary non-congratulations.
It is worth noting that students approached to this competition with the utmost seriousness, responsibility and coped brilliantly with all tasks!