On February 21, 2017 in the 1st building in the room № 211 the scientific-methodological seminar on the language situation in the contemporary Kazakhstan took place. This event was dedicated to 75th anniversary of Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World Languages. During the seminar Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of Regional Studies Department Kadyrzhanov R.K. made a report on “The Triunity of languages in Kazakhstan: problems and prospects”.
Taking into account results of sociological and expert surveys, speaker has expounded relevant issues of implementation and realization of trilingualism policy. That, in turn, caused an active interest among the participants, including Doctor of Philology, Professor Ryssaldy K.T., Candidate of political sciences, associate professor Baisultanova K.S., Candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Zhumatay G., Doctor of Political Sciences, associate professor Zhabina Z.R., Candidate of sociological sciences, associate professor Kaliyeva A.A., teachers and students of the faculty of International relations. During the seminar participants have discussed the main points of the language policy and have exchanged opinions.