On 17 February 2016 in Kazakh Abylai khan University of International Relations and World Languages will be literary-musical night "Мұқағали – мәнгі ғұмыр"

On 17 February 2016 in the assembly hall of Kazakh Abylai khan University of International Relations and World Languages will be literary-musical night "Мұқағали – мәнгі ғұмыр", which is dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Mukagali Makataev.

Poet's son and daughter, Zhuldyz and Sholpan Mukagali, will take part and narrate to students about interesting moments of Mukagali Makataev's live. Also students will prepare poems and songs from the poet oeuvre.

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Erasmus+ Programme Scholarship

Erasmus+ Programme Scholarship

To the attention of Ablai Khan University students!

Apply for the fall semester 2016 to the University of Poitiers, France within the framework of Academic Mobility Scholarship Contest under the Erasmus+ Programme. The Scholarship covers round-trip airfare, costs of living in France; education is free. The requirement for the candidates: knowledge of the French language at the Level B1 (or above). The application can be submitted independently on the website of the University of Poitiers http://emundus.appli.univ-poitiers.fr/index.php?lang=fr until 14 February 2016.

For more information you may contact Dr. Gulnar Askarova (Building 1 office 101)

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Competition for academic mobility (exchange students)


  • Applicants must be 1st or 2nd year students
  • Applicants must not have any missed assignments and financial debts at the time of application
  • Applicants’ GPA should not be lower than 3,33 over a period of study
  • Applicants should actively take part in the social life of the university

Application documents:

  • Personal statement addressed to the Rector of the Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages, signed bythe student, head of the chairand the dean ofthe faculty
  • Academic transcript with an indication ofGPA in 2 copies in 3 languages (Kazakh, Russian, English)
  • Letter of Recommendation given by the head of the chair
  • Certificate confirming a knowledge of the relevant Foreign Language (if available)
  • Letters of recognition, certificates of participation, etc. (confirming achievements in academic competitions, participation in scientific conferences, etc., if available)over a period of study at the university.
  • Passport copy

The documents should be submitted to the respective dean’s office.

Conditions of the competition, training

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11/28/15 will hold the City tournament on intellectual game "Brain Ring", dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

11/28/15 Ablai khan Kazakh university of the world relations and world languages will hold the City tournament on intellectual game "Brain Ring" between the teams of students from Universities of Almaty, for the Cup of the rector of Ablai khan KazUIR&WL dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

We invite you to cheer for your favorite team from our intellectual club «Primus inter pares» in the auditorium of corpus №3.

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Access to scientific and educational resources - e-library system IPRbooks (www.iprbookshop.ru)

Test access is open from 11.16.2015 to 12.17.2015 year

Each student and teacher of a higher educational institution has received an opportunity to work with a licensed full-text database of electronic publications - ELS IPRbooks, which is the first and only certified electronic-library system, recommended for use in educational activities of educational institutions.

Work in an online version is available around the clock online http://iprbookshop.ru. Access to the full text of publications available after the authorization, it is necessary to get the login and password in the library (Corps №3, kab.107 - tel.31-04).

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