A test access to the electronic resources of the Wiley publishing house has been opened

Dear teachers and students of Kazumoimya named after Abylai Khan!

The Library and Information Center is pleased to inform you about the opening of a test access to the electronic resources of the Wiley publishing house. Wiley's scientific resources are available in 237 organizations in Kazakhstan from January 5 to March 31, 2022.Available content.

Wiley 's portfolio of electronic scientific resources includes:

1,600+ magazines;

24,000+ scientific books;

250+ reference books and encyclopedias;

18+current protocols;

*Cochrane Library(https://www.cochranelibrary.com);

*25+ years archive depth. Access to journals published from 1997 to 2022. Access to the territory of Kazumoimya im.Abylai Khan's access to the full texts of the journals in English is provided on the Wiley Online Library platform https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com

For remote use, request a login and password at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Login only according to the instructions, please read it carefully.

Инструкция Wiley

Инструкция Cochranelibrary

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Discussion «Kazakhstan in the global world: political, socio-economic, ethnic, confessional factors»

Dear colleagues!

November 18, 2021, will be a discussion «Kazakhstan in the global world: political, socio-economic, ethnic, confessionally factors» on the Day of the First President, 30-year anniversary of independence of Kazakhstan, the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan, the 80th anniversary of Kazakh Abylai Khan university IR and WL  and implementation of the program «Ruhani zhangyru»

The discussion is expected in the following areas:

  1. Kazakhstan in the new global reality: growth, reforms, development: to the 30th anniversary of Kazakhstan's independence
  2. The founder of the independent state N.A.Nazarbayev
  3. The 80th anniversary of Kazakh Abylai Khan university IR and WL: history and modernity
  4. Features of ethno-confessional identity in the modern world
  5. Ethnopolitics of Kazakhstan at the present stage
  6. New religious movements and the security of Kazakhstan: the view of youth.

The discussion will be online on November 18 based on the Microsoft Teams platform, at 11-00 (Nur-Sultan time)

Organizers: Faculty of international relations and department of modern history of Kazakhstan and worldview disciplines

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The international educational company "EDUS tream" - the official representative of the international publishing house "Express Publishing" with the aim to provide comprehensive methodological assistance to teachers, invites you to the seminar "Modern resources of the XXI century" of Express Publishing textbooks developed for offline and online learning:

The proposed tutorials take into account the focus on the development of critical and creative thinking, on the formation of functional literacy and communication.

The educational material reflects both the achievements of modern science and technology and culture.

Place of presentation: online, on the platform ZOOM,

Date: 2nd November 2021, at 11.00 in the Nursultan time.

Conference ID: 908 961 1026,

Access Code: 106213.

To participate in the seminar, please provide contact information teachers for the timely provision of active links to the workshop.

LINK TO SITEhttps://clck.ru/YWFiq

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Online Olympiad called “The Wiseman of the steppe – our ancestor Zhambyl” dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Zhambyl Zhabayev


22nd of October 2021

Format: online, on the ZOOM platform

Start: 11:30 Astana time

Identifier 822 9664 1460

Contact code: 743747



Moderator: Akbota Turagulovna Konyrova - Head of the Department of Kazakh Philology,          

                     KazUIR & WL named after Ablai Khan, Candidate of Philological Sciences,

                     Associate Professor

Secretary:   Sharbat Arzykulkizi Nurmysheva - Candidate of Philological Sciences

The jury


Baurzhan Erlanovich Serzhanov - Head of the social development center Ruhani Zhangyru

Members of the commission:

Gulzhan Sarsenbekovna Egenbayeva - specialist of social support of students, Master of Pedagogical Sciences

Aigulim Borangalievna Aitbayeva - Project Management Coordinator

Gulnaz Bazarbayevna Tokshylykova - Doctor of PhD, KazNPU named after Abai


Registration of participants


The opening of the Olympiad


11.35. – 11.40


Kulgildinova Tulebike Alimzhanovna - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of KazUIR&WL named after Abylai Khan, Doctor of Philology, Professor

Serezhkina Tatyana Vladimirovna - Vice-Rector for Social Affairs and Educational Work of KazUIR&WL named after Ablai Khan, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor


Presenting the videos


Evaluation of videos, summarizing


Concluding remarks of the members of the jury


Rewarding students


Summarizing the work of the Olympiad


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The Center for Foreign Languages Training at KazUIR & WL named after Abylai Khan is the official accredited representative of ETS GLOBAL. The center conducts TOEFL ITP exams and issues international certificates for admission to Master's and Doctoral programmes. Testing format: ‘digital’ and ‘paper based’. Test results in "digital" format of testing will be announced on the day of testing.

Contacts: Almaty, The Center for Foreign Languages Training, building №3, room 201. Tel: 8 705 146 66 99, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Guest online lecture "Leadership and Career"

On June 09, 2021, at 11:00, The Department of Economics and management of the Faculty of International law and economics of JSC "KazUIR and WL named after Ablai khan" will hold the guest lecture on the topic" Leadership and career»:

- The speakers from the International audit organization “Baker Tilly Qazaqstan Audit”:

1) Aigerim Zhaparova, business development partner

2) Erlan Islambekov, audit partner

3) Dana Baizhanova, senior audit specialist

4) Diana Suslina, audit specialist

5) Valeria Starikova, audit specialist

We invite everyone to take part!

To participate, click on the link below:


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The Department of Economics and Management of the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan holds an online International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern realities and prospects for the developmen

The Department of Economics and Management of the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan holds an online International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern realities and prospects for the development of the economy of Kazakhstan." The conference will take place on January 20, 2021 at 14.00.

Zoom conference link:


Conference ID: 678 869 7662

Access code: 252525

Speakers - foreign and Kazakh professors.

Participants of the Round Table - teaching staff of the Department of Economics and Management, students and undergraduates of KazUIR & WL named after Abylai Khan, as well as invited teachers from other universities.

Everyone is welcome


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The Department of Economics and Management of the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan holds an online round table on the topic "Innovative technologies and methods in marketing, management and economics

The Department of Economics and Management of the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages ​​named after Abylai Khan holds an online round table on the topic "Innovative technologies and methods in marketing, management and economics." The round table will take place on December 25, 2020 at 14.30. Zoom conference link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/7412635539?pwd=bmhKanZLUkFEMlhkYmlmK1BOME05QT09

Conference ID: 741 263 5539

Access code: 1ThyDg

 Speakers - invited heads of companies, practitioners.

Participants of the Round Table - teaching staff of the Department of Economics and Management of KazUIR & WL named after Abylai Khan, as well as invited teachers from other universities.

Everyone is welcome.

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30 April 2020 at 14.00 on-line Round table: "Global processes and the geopolitical structure transformation of the modern world in the conditions of global crisis"



 Information letter



Faculty of  Postrgraduate  Education

Faculty of Oriental Studies

International Relations Faculty

  30   April 2020  at  14.00 Faculty of  Postrgraduate  Education in partnership with the faculty of Oriental Studies and the Faculty of international relations  will organize an  on-line Round table: "Global processes and the geopolitical structure transformation of the modern world in the conditions of global crisis"  dedicated to the discussion of topical issues of global world  and the scale of the crisis. On-line Round Table also is  dedicated to implementation  of the Plan-Program NIIPSh (Research and scientific innovative and applied School)  activities of the  Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages  (2020-2022)   within the Research and Scientific Innovative Laboratory № 1 «Global world processes and the geopolitical structure of the modern world». 

Purpose of the on-line Round Table:  discussion of the global global crisis and the decline of the world economy issues, the problems of restoring the international order, the impact of the crisis on Kazakhstan in the context of a pandemic, etc.

Researchers, University professors, doctoral students, undergraduates, students and other interested persons are invited to participate in the on-line Round Table. 

Applications and reports topics should be sent by email:   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Responsible: Uspanova Zhanar Nurzhanovna

Participation form: Webex Meetings platform.  The link to the online round table will be sent later.

The deadline for submitting applications:  28  April 2020.

Working languages: Kazakh, Russian, English. 

It  is planned to publish a Round Table Proceedings  (until 10  May 2020).

Requirements for scientific articles are given in the Appendix.

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Meeting with Aman Tasygan, TV presenter of the Keshki Kezdesu program (TV channel "Eurasia")

Dear students and teachers!

          Today, December 3, 2019, at 15:00 in the conference hall (“Blue”), a meeting will be held with Aman Tasygan, TV presenter of program “Keshki kezdesu” (“Eurasia” TV channel).

The meeting, organized for students as a master class, addresses various journalism issues.

Moderator: Senior Lecturer Zhylbek Senbekuly.

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ATTENTION PLEASE! NEW Call for 2020 Spring semester exchange program (ERASMUS, SPAIN, FRANCE, KOREA)!

Kazakh Ablai Khan University announces a CALL OPENED for the 2020 Spring semester student

exchange program.

Detailed information on universities and program conditions is available at the link in the attached
document. By the rule, ONLY 2nd and 3rd year students, 1st year Master and 1-2 Year PhD students can

participate in the program.

In case of any questions or additional information needed, you can contact Office 112, building №1.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Selection results of the Contest Evaluation Committee of KazUIR&WL

By the decision of the Bid Evaluation Committee of KazUIR&WL students of our university have successfully passed the competitive selection for participation in the academic mobility program for the fall semester of 2019-2020 academic year and for studying at the foreign partner universities. A full list of selected candidates can be found in the attached document.

We kindly ask the winners of the selection competition to come to the to the Office 112, at the First building  for further instructions.

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From April 10 to April 22, 2019, the competition «Туган жер: путешествие по родным краям» is held

Dear students!

From April 10 to April 22, 2019, the competition «Туган жер: путешествие по родным краям» is held. You have an opportunity to visit the ancient Kazakhstan cities and cultural monuments, to get acquainted with the history and culture of our country. Winners will also enjoy active outdoor recreation and a rich entertainment program.

The first stage of the competition - a trip to the Turkestan and West Kazakhstan regions.

A tour to the Turkestan region is scheduled from May 4 to 10, 2019. The program includes visits to the Domalak-ana, Kos-ana mausoleums, the Akmechet caves, the Boralday petroglyphs, Kazygurt, the Adam and Eva rocks, the ancient city Sauran, the Arystan Baba mausoleums, and Kh.A. Yasavi, as well as the reserve Aksu-Zhabagly.

A tour to the West Kazakhstan region is scheduled from June 10–18, 2019. The program includes a sightseeing tour of the city of Uralsk, the house-museum of E. Pugachev, the museum “Alash Orda”, “Zhangir Khan”, “Ruhani Zhangyru”, acquaintance with the Bokei Orda as well as sports games, disco, outdoor activities on Lake Shalkar, boating.

Students of colleges and universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan older than 16 years are invited to participate in the competition.

Conditions of the competition:

Until April 22, inclusive send us a video on the topic: “Why me?”. Within 1-2 minutes answer the question: "Why should I go to Turkestan or Uralsk?", show your creativity, ingenuity, knowledge of history and culture, and get a free ticket!

You can send a video to us by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or publish it on your page on social networks (Fb, Instagram), previously subscribing to the page of the “Almaty Nomad” Travel Club and putting the hashtag #almatynomads.

15 young people will be selected for each tour. All costs for transfer, accommodation and meals The Organizing Committee of the competition assumes.

Winners will be announced on April 25th! Dare!

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ATTENTION PLEASE! Call for 2019 Fall semester exchange program!

Kazakh Ablai Khan University announces a CALL OPENED for the 2019 Fall semester student exchange program.

Detailed information on universities and program conditions is available at the link in the attached document. By the rule, ONLY 2nd and 3rd year students and 1st year Master and PhD students can participate in the program.

In case of any questions or additional information needed, you can contact Office 112, building №1.

Contact phone (mobile): +77071085065 (Sanzhar Makhammaduly)

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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The University of Perpignan Via Domitia is issuing a call for candidates for the Erasmus + International Credit Mobility programme. Students and staff members are invited to apply on online platform. This call for candidates will allow the selected students to study at the University of Perpignan via Domitia for the 2019/2020 academic year. All costs will be covered by programme.

Applications will be closed on the 31th of March 2019 included.

 For further information please contact International Office by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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ATTENTION PLEASE! Call for 2019 Spring semester exchange program to Switzerland, Japan and Czech Republic

Kazakh Ablai Khan University announces a CALL OPENED for the 2019 Spring semester student exchange program.

Detailed information on universities and program conditions is available at the link in the attached document. By the rule, ONLY 2nd and 3rd year students and 1st year Master students can participate in the program.

In case of any questions or additional information needed, you can contact Office 112, building №1.

Contact phone (mobile): +77754536425 (Shamilov Murad)

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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ATTENTION PLEASE! Call for 2019 Spring semester exchange program

Kazakh Ablai Khan University announces a CALL OPENED for the 2019 Spring semester student exchange program.

Detailed information on universities and program conditions is available at the link in the attached document. Each university has its own deadline for submission of the documents. By the rule, ONLY 2nd and 3rd year students and 1st year Master students can participate in the program.

In case of any questions or additional information needed, you can contact Office 112, building №1.

Contact phone (mobile): +77754536425 (Shamilov Murad)

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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