The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages
Information Letter
The V International scientific-practical conference "Foreign Language Education: Experience, Innovation and Prospects" will be held November 12-13, 2018, at the Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages.
The purpose of the conference: conceptualize the experience of foreign language education and social and human sciences; create an international dialogue platform for discussion and exchange of innovative practices in the field of foreign language education and social and human sciences; to enhance international cooperation with universities and organizations.
The main streams of the conference:
- Language-educational paradigm based on the linguocultural methodology of the CIS countries and the SCO.
- Language-educational paradigm based on linguocultural methodology in the context of trilingualism in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Reform of the state language as an important issue of the modernizing public awareness.
- Competence based training in the profile school
- Innovative technologies of early foreign language learning
- Competence based modeling of professional foreign language education
- Translation and intercultural communication platform.
- Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Linguistics and Foreign Philology.
- Modern infocommunications systems and technologies as a component of foreign language education.
- Patriotic, spiritual and moral education of young generation.
- Transformation of modern political processes and global changes in world politics.
- Actual trends in the development of modern international and national law.
- Strategic priorities and mechanisms to protect Kazakhstan's economic interests under the conditions of social modernization of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Modern trends in the development of social and human sciences (oriental studies, management, tourism, etc.).
Members from the academic communities and students are invited to take part in the conference.
The form of participation: In person, distance participation.
Deadline for submission of applications and articles - before October 26, 2018.
Papers should be sent to email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - to the Executive Secretary of the conference Ms.Zarema D.Shaimardanova.
The cost of publication – 3 500 tenge, for students – 2 500 KZT.
Mailing of books is not provided (only pick up).
Working languages: Kazakh, Russian, English.
The Organizing Committee reserves the right to reject submitted scientific papers, which do not match the theme of the conference, or fail to meet the correct article preparation requirements.
Tel .: 8 7272 92 03 84 (int. 1074).
Requirements for preparation of documents.
Content - 5-7 pages in the format of a text editor MS Word, including the footnotes. Print size - 12 , type - Times New Roman; line spacing – 1 pt. All fields should be 2 cm, paragraph indent -1.25cm, text editor Word 2010, Font KZ Times New Roman.
Pages are not numbered, hyphenations are not put. Footnotes on literature should be given in accordance with the basic publishing standards on paper design in accordance with State Standard 7.5-98 "Journals, collections, informative publications. Publishers’ design of publishing materials ", site bibliographic lists in accordance with (bibliographic lists should be in accordance) State Standard 7.1-2003 "Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of document preparation"[2, c.5]. Pay attention to the design of the electronic document.
On the top left side - there should be the U.D.C. (Universal Decimal Classification) of article, on the right side, there should be printed first names and surnames of author(s), their degrees, ranks, titles, full name of organization, with usual print. The title of the report should be typed in bold print, with alignment in the centre, full stop should not be put at the end of the title. Further, the indentation should be followed by Abstract in Kazakh, Russian and English (8-10 lines, 70-90 words), keywords in 3 languages, at the end there should not be full stop (5-8 words) (see example). This would be followed the text.
Figure - in the center of the page after the link in the text; format - any supported by the Microsoft Word editor; top and bottom - an empty string. The name of the figure is through the line from the capturing caption after the figure number (Figure 1 - ...). No dot after the title of the figure. Tables - in the center of the page after the link to it. After the table should be an empty string. The name of the table is above the table, with a paragraph indentation of 1.25 cm after the table number (Table 1 - ...). Font: Times New Roman, size - 12, line, alignment in width. The table name is separated from the text from the top by an empty line. No dot after the title of the table. There are references at the end of the article: "Әdebiet" - if the article is in Kazakh, "Литература" - if the article is in Russian, "References" - if the article is in English.
If the article is in Kazakh and Russian, it is necessary to specify the author's output data, the title of the paper, a summary (the word itself is not written) and keywords in English. If the paper is in English - the author's output data, the title of the paper, summaries and key words only in Kazakh; paper in Russian - the author's output, the title of the article, summaries and key words only in English.
The file name must match the author's (or first author's) name.
In case of inconsistency of the presented material with the subject of the conference and the requirements of the scientific publication, the organizing committee reserves the right to remove it. Manuscripts will not be returned.
For example:
(U.D.C.) 94(560):355.48
Мұхтарқызы C.,
магистрант КазУМОиМЯ имени Абылай хана
специальность «6М020900-Востоковедение»
Алматы, Казахстан
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
В статье рассматриваются концептуальные основы исследования «войн памяти», методологические разработки «коллективной памяти», взаимодействие между национальным самосознанием и коллективной памятью, основы формирования «политических мифов».
Ключевые слова: войны памяти, коллективная память, политический миф, изобретение традиций.
Mukhtarkyzy S.,
Undergraduate of Orientalism of Ablaikhan
KazUIRandWL, Almaty, Kazakhstan
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The article is concerned with the conceptual bases of memory wars research, methodological development of “collective memory”, the interaction between national identity and collective memory, bases of “political myths” formation.
The author comes to the conclusion that human reality - the reality is socially constructed. Collective memory is one of the main components in the society development. It is impossible without it to imagine the existence of the community.
Keywords: war memorie», collective memory, political myths, invention of tradition.
Текст статьи
Человеческая реальность – это реальность социально конструируемая. Коллективная память является одним из главных компонентов в развитии общества. Без нее невозможно представить себе существование социального сообщества [2, c.5].
Обращение к изучению «войн памяти» представляет собой одно из новых и перспективных направлений в современном востоковедении, позволяет существенно расширить горизонты познания прошлого, дает новые ответы на старые проблемы, а также ставит и решает ряд принципиально иных исследовательских задач.
- Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. - Алматы, 2010. – 344 с.
- Андреева Г.М. Социальная психология. – М.: Аспект Пресс, 2004. – 363 с.
- Кайыржанова Н.С. Развитие межкультурной коммуникации на основе коммуникативных ситуаций // Известия КазУМОиМЯ им. Абылай хана. Серия «Педагогические науки». – 2017. - № 1 (44).- С. 100-109.
- Hobsbawm E. Introduction: Inventing Traditions // The Invention of Tradition. Еd. by E. Hobsbawm and T. Ranger. - Cambridge, 2000. - P. 17.
- Галиев А.А. Этнополитические процессы у тюркоязычных народов: история и ее мифологизация: дисс. ... д.и.н. - Алматы, 2010. - 310 с.
- Главу Samsung арестовали по делу о коррупции. - Режим доступа URL: (дата обращения 12.10.2018).
Если ресурс на каз.яз.: Кіру режимі: - (қаралған күні 30.01.2018).
Если ресурс на англ.яз.: Access mode: Accessed 12.10.2018.
Application for participation in the conference
First Name
Other Names
Name of organization
Academic Degree, academic title
The form of participation
Postal address
Phone number
Title of direction
Topic of the report
"Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages"
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