On November 29, 2017 Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages will hold the International Forum "Diversity of Socio-Economic and Cultural-Linguistic Manifestations in the Republic of Kazakhstan" dedicated to the implementation of the program article of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "A Look into the Future: “The modernization of Public Consciousness" "Rukhani zhangyru", understanding the experience of foreign language education and the Humanities.
The purpose of the conference: discussion of a broad range of issues on topical issues of modernization of Kazakhstan.
To participate in the work of the Forum, researchers from research institutes, teachers of universities, colleges, doctoral students, undergraduates, students and other interested persons are invited.
Block "Rukhani zhangyru"
- Transformation of the national consciousness: historical experience and spiritual modernization.
- The value of transition to the Latin alphabet.
- Rukhani zhangyru - the way to the future.
Block "The diversity of cultural and linguistic manifestations in the Republic of Kazakhstan"
- Foreign language education in the focus of linguistic and cultural methodology.
- Actual problems of linguistic and philological research.
- Issues of translation and intercultural communication in the context of a functional-pragmatic typology of languages and cultures.
- Reform of the state language is an important issue of the modernization program of public consciousness.
Block "Transformation of modern political and economic processes":
- Global shifts in the system of world politics.
- Towards a new world order?
- Actual trends in the development of modern international and national law.
- Strategic priorities and mechanisms for protecting Kazakhstan's economic interests in conditions of social modernization of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Modern trends in the development of social and human sciences (oriental studies, management, tourism, etc.).
- From October 1917 to October 2017.
Applications and abstracts should be sent by e-mail:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Responsible person: Shaimardanova Z.D.
The form of participation in the conference: full-time, correspondence.
The deadline for submission of applications and articles - until November 15, 2017.
The publication fee: 3 000 tenge, for doctoral students, undergraduates and students - 2 000 tenge.
The distribution of the collection is not provided (self-delivery).
Working languages: Kazakh, Russian, English.
The Organizing Committee reserves the right to reject submitted scientific articles not relevant to the theme of the conference or the requirements for the design of scientific articles.
Registration Requirements
Volume - 5-7 pages in the format of the text editor MS Word, including footnotes. Page parameters: all sides 2.0 cm (Word text editor, Font KZ Times New Roman, Times New Roman, font: size - 12, line spacing - 1pt, paragraph indent -1.25). It is not allowed to insert drawings, diagrams, tables in the text. Pages are not numbered, carryings are not put. Footnotes on literature should be given in accordance with the basic publishing standards for the preparation of articles in accordance with Government standard 7.5-98 "Journals, collections, information publications. Publishing design of published materials ", bibliographic lists in accordance with Government standard 7.1-2003"Bibliographic record. Citation. General requirements and rules" [2, p.5]. Pay attention to the design of the electronic document.
At the top right is the UDC of the article, then on the left, in the usual font, the surname, initials of the author (s), degree, academic title, position, full name of the organization. The title of the report is printed in bold with an alignment in the middle, there is no dot at the end of the title. Next, after the indentation, the summary and key words are in English, followed by keywords and a summary in the language of the article (Kazakh or Russian, 8-10 lines, 70-90 words). Then follows the text of the article. Concludes the article "Әдебиет" - if the article is in Kazakh, "Литература" - if the article is in Russian, "References" - if the article is in English.
The file name must match the name of the author (or first author).
In case of discrepancy of the material presented to the conference theme and the requirements of scientific publication organizing Committee reserves the right to suspend him. Manuscripts are not returned.
УДК 94(560):355.48
Мұхтарқызы C.,
магистрант КазУМОиМЯ имени Абылай хана
Специальность «6М020900-Востоковедение»
Алматы, Казахстан
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ключевые слова: войны памяти, коллективная память, политический миф, изобретение традиций.
Аннотация: В статье рассматриваются концептуальные основы исследования «войн памяти», методологические разработки «коллективной памяти», взаимодействие между национальным самосознанием и коллективной памятью, основы формирования «политических мифов».
Mukhtarkyzy S.,
Undergraduate of Orientalism of Ablaikhan
KazUIRandWL, Almaty, Kazakhstan
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Theoretical basis of research of "memories wars"
Keywords: war memories, collective memory, political myths, invention of tradition.
Abstract: The article is concerned with the conceptual bases of memory wars research, methodological development of “collective memory”, the interaction between national identity and collective memory, bases of “political myths” formation.
The author comes to the conclusion that human reality - the reality is socially constructed. Collective memory is one of the main components in the society development. It is impossible without it to imagine the existence of the community.
Текст статьи
Автор приходит к выводу, что человеческая реальность – это реальность социально конструируемая. Коллективная память является одним из главных компонентов в развитии общества. Без нее невозможно представить себе существование социального сообщества [2, c.5].
Обращение к изучению «войн памяти» представляет собой одно из новых и перспективных направлений в современном востоковедении, позволяет существенно расширить горизонты познания прошлого, дает новые ответы на старые проблемы, а также ставит и решает ряд принципиально иных исследовательских задач.
- Хальбвакс М. Социальные рамки памяти. - М., 2009. – 236 с.
- Хальбвакс М. Коллективная и историческая память // Неприкосновенный запас. Дебаты о политике и культуре. – 2005. - № 2-3 (40-41). – С. 8-27.
- Адорно Т.В. Что означает «проработка прошлого» // Неприкосновенный запас. Дебаты политике и культуре. – 2005. - № 2-3 (40-41). – С. 36-37.
- Бергер П., Лукман Т. Социальное констурирование реальности. Трактат по социологии знания. - М., 1995. - 356 с.
- Hobsbawm E. Introduction: Inventing Traditions // The Invention of Tradition. Еd. by E. Hobsbawm and T. Ranger. - Cambridge, 2000. - P. 17.
- Нора П. Между памятью и историей. Проблематика мест памяти // Нора П., Озуф М., Пюимех Ж., Винок М. Франция – память. - СПб., 1999. - С. 17–50.
- Галиев А.А. Этнополитические процессы у тюркоязычных народов: история и ее мифологизация: дисс. ... д.и.н. - Алматы, 2010. - 310 с.
- Главу Samsung арестовали по делу о коррупции [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа URL: http://www.bbc.com/russian/news-39000631- (дата обращения 10.09.2017).
Application for participation
Middle name
Name of the organization
Scientific degree, academic status
Form of participation
Mailing address
E-mail address
Block title, section number
JSC «Kazakh Ablai khan University of International relations and World Languages».
Legal address: 050022, Almaty city, Muratbayeva st., 200
Bank details:
TIN 600700016 904
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The publication fee: for faculty - 3000 tenge, for undergraduates and students - 2000 tenge.
When transferring, it is obligatory to indicate "Target fee for participation in the conference of the «Kazakh Ablai khan University of International relations and World Languages».
Residents of Almaty can pay in accounting of Kazakh Ablai khan University of International relations and World Languages.