At military department of the Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages new academic year has begun. It should be noted, that students recruited for the first year of training in several military specialties.
At military department of the Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages new academic year has begun. It should be noted, that students recruited for the first year of training in several military specialties.
From September 15 to September 19, Almaty hosted the first international film festival "Almaty Film Festival". We are 2 year students of the Faculty of International Relations of the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan Zhazylbek Alibek, Kaliyeva Aruzhan, Duysengaliyeva Adina became volunteers at the main event of this year.
On September 19, 2018, within the framework of the creative festival "Unity of People - Great Wealth", 3-course students of the FIR headed by the Deputy Dean on EW Akpaeva E.R., curator of Ilimkozha A.E., 4-course student Baktygaliyeva Kh. visited the contest among representatives of different nationalities "Til – tatulyq tiregi", organized by the National Ethnographic Association "Adyrna", with the support of the Almaty Internal Policy Department.
Between September 11-14, 2018, the Royal Technological University hosts the meeting of the Erasmus +: Higher Education - International Capacity Building “Implementation of Education Quality Assurance System through the Cooperation of University - Business-Government in HEIs (EDUQAS)” project management team.
During the 10-11 of September the Department of International Communications held an international work-shop which is called "Cultural Codes in the Medial Space". The key lecture of the scientific event was a lecture which consisted of two parts of the well-known semiotics, literary critic, director of the Department of Literature and Medial Research Yuri Murashov (Konstanz, Germany) "Cultural codes: financial economy in literature, art and cinema of the 2000s".
On 15th September, 2018 in the framework of the Almaty city day, students of IR Faculty specialty 5В050500-Regional Studies with curators Shukyzhanova А.N. and Issaliyeva A.M. have visited the Yessik Lake. The magnificent beauty of the mountains and lake fascinates everyone. We also enjoyed the wonderful landscapes and got a positive energy for the new academic year thanks to our trip.
Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World Languages is one of the leading universities in Kazakhstan, which specifies on foreign language education. I was fortunate enough to enter the Master's program of the University in 2016 and thanks to the innovative leadership of KazAUIR&WL, represented by the rector of the university, Dr. Kunanbayeva S.S.
By the decision of the Bid Evaluation Committee of KazUIR&WL students of our university have successfully passed the competitive selection for participation in the academic mobility program for the fall semester of 2018-2019 academic year and for studying at the foreign partner universities.
Members of the EDUQAS project working group took part in the Cluster meeting "Ensuring the Impact and Sustainability of Erasmus + structural projects on enhancing the potential of higher education in Kazakhstan"
On May 15, 2018 members of the working group of "Implementation of the Quality Assurance System through University-Business-Government Cooperation in Universities (EDUQAS)"
The study of the modern literary process is impossible without attention to the problems of interrelations and mutual influences, and, as is known, each historical and literary epoch has its own specifics, including in the field of literary interrelations, which, in turn, can be barely noticeable, veiled and difficult mediated.